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Hang creating SRT on BMR 6.5.2A

Not applicable

I'm having trouble successfully creating a new Windows SRT with the Boot Server Assistant GUI in Windows.


I get to the point of "Adding Fast Restore Windows files to the SRT. Extracting files into Shared Resource Tree", it copies a whole bunch of stuff and then hangs for a long time. Finally I get a popup that says: "Could not add plug and play data file to srt."


Any ideas?


Level 5

Hi Ian,


What version of Windows is this boot server on?

You could bump up the debug logging level in nblog.conf to 6 and try to recreate the SRT.

Once you hit the error again, take a look at the bmrsrtadm log (OID = 125, so the log file name will be something like nnnnnn-125-xxxxx.log where n & x are some numbers.)

This log file will be in c:\program files\veritas\netbackup\logs (assuming a default location installation)


Actually you can check the log file even now before bumping up the logging level, but I am not sure if it will show lot of information, but worth a try, might give you some pointers on what could be going wrong.




Level 3
did you get this resolved?