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Is it possible that a backup policy can initiate a vault policy when it is finished?

Level 3

I have a special circumstance that will require me to run a backup direct to tape and have that tape ejected immediately.


I have my backup running every 8 hours. I thought there was a way to eject this tape after it is done. But I only want to eject tapes that this policy writes.


I can create a vault profile and policy, but because it is going to run every 8 hours, I would not be able to guarantee the appropriate start time for the vault policy.


can a backup policy initiate a vault profile? I think it has to be a vault policy to run a vault profile, but I am not 100% certain.


I am running nbu 6.0






Level 2
To my knowledge, there's no way to have a policy kick off a vault job, it has to be a vault policy.  The only way I can think of off the top of my head to accomplish what you're asking is to set up a script.

Level 4

I believe there are a couple of ways to accomplish the eject, one for sure.


1. Use backup_exit_notify on the master and put the command to perform a manual backup of the eject Policy in the backup_exit_notify.  I assume all clients in the backup Policy need to be ejected.


So, if my backup policy is called "backmeup" the eject policy is called "eject_me_now".


(Backup_exit_notify name so it only runs for that Policy)


bpbackup -i -p eject_me_now  (bpbackup command in the file to run the eject Policy)


I beleive the backup_exit_notify can be explicit for the Policy by adding the Policy name as an extension to the it since that works on bpstart and bpend_notify scripts (Give it a try).  If not you can use the link to code in the variable for the Policy name to run the backup command for only when that Policy completed.


This doc should help if you need to code in the Policy name, etc in the backup_exit_notify if using the Policy name as the extension does not work.


2. I believe you can use the critical Policies in vault to run the backup of the Policy prior to ejecting tapes.  (I do not have the GUI in front of me right now, so I'm not sure if that will actually let you perform a backup during the eject or just report on the tapes for that Policy)