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Netbackup 6.5 and Sharepoint 2003

Level 4
Just testing Netbackup 6.5 before we go live and I am having issues getting this working (have contacted Bangalore and their support is crap), I have a test box (Windows server 2003 SP1), I have a schedule configured, but each time it runs i get the following error, if any one has any input I would be ever so grateful,  cheers.
26/09/2007 15:09:59 - requesting resource SanDisk1
26/09/2007 15:09:59 - requesting resource backup.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.l-eric-01
26/09/2007 15:09:59 - requesting resource backup.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.L-ERIC-01_document
26/09/2007 15:10:03 - granted resource backup.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.l-eric-01
26/09/2007 15:10:03 - granted resource backup.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.L-ERIC-01_document
26/09/2007 15:10:03 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaad;Path=D:;MediaServer=backup
26/09/2007 15:10:03 - granted resource SanDisk1
26/09/2007 15:10:06 - estimated 0 kbytes needed
26/09/2007 15:10:06 - begin Parent Job
26/09/2007 15:10:06 - begin Unknown Type , Start Notify Script
Status 26
26/09/2007 15:10:13 - end Unknown Type , Start Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:07
26/09/2007 15:10:13 - begin Unknown Type , Step By Condition
Status 0
26/09/2007 15:10:13 - end Unknown Type , Step By Condition; elapsed time: 00:00:00
26/09/2007 15:10:13 - begin Unknown Type , Read File List
Status 0
26/09/2007 15:10:13 - end Unknown Type , Read File List; elapsed time: 00:00:00
26/09/2007 15:10:13 - begin Unknown Type , Resolver Discovery
26/09/2007 15:10:18 - started process bpbrm (5444)
Status 0
26/09/2007 15:10:42 - end Unknown Type , Resolver Discovery; elapsed time: 00:00:29
26/09/2007 15:10:42 - begin Unknown Type , Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed
Status 200
26/09/2007 15:10:42 - end Unknown Type , Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time: 00:00:00
26/09/2007 15:10:42 - begin Unknown Type , Stop On Error
Status 0
26/09/2007 15:10:42 - end Unknown Type , Stop On Error; elapsed time: 00:00:00
26/09/2007 15:10:42 - begin Unknown Type , End Notify Script
Status 26
26/09/2007 15:10:48 - end Unknown Type , End Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:06
Status 200
26/09/2007 15:10:48 - end Parent Job; elapsed time: 00:00:42
scheduler found no backups due to run(200)

Level 6
Check this out... may be useful.
STATUS CODE 200: A client backup receives a Status 200 message "scheduler found no backups due to run" when multiple backups of the same type are scheduled on the same day, for the same policy, with calendar-based scheduling.

Level 4
Anyone ???

Level 6
DOCUMENTATION: Permissions and accounts required for the successful backup and restore of data in a Microsoft SharePoint server farm when using Veritas NetBackup (tm).
Manual: Veritas NetBackup (tm) 6.0 for Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003 System Administrator's Guide, Page: 12

Modification Type: Addition.

Please be aware the SharePoint Portal software must be SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or higher, and NetBackup must be version 6.0 Maintenance Pack 2 or higher.  Additionally, all parts of the Portal must be functioning properly.  It is recommended the SharePoint Administrator check the Event logs on each server in the Portal to confirm everything is functioning correctly.  

In a medium to large SharePoint Portal Server Farm configuration, one or more servers will assume the following roles:

- SharePoint Portal Front-end Web Servers(IIS)
- Portal Index server (Search service and Index database)
- Portal Job server (Single Sign-On service and database)
- SQL Server (Configuration database, Content database, Services database, and the User Profile database)

In order to properly backup a SharePoint Portal Server farm, correct permissions are needed to allow NetBackup access to each component in a farm configuration.  The permissions below can be assigned to one account or spread across multiple separate accounts.  In the example below, the permissions are separated into three separate accounts:

Account 1:  NBU_SPS_BACKUP
Permissions to backup the SharePoint Portal Index Server:
-  Local Administrator for each server in the SharePoint Farm
-  The Security privilege "Replace a Process Level Token" on each server in the farm
-  A SharePoint Administrator

Account 2:  NBU_SSO_BACKUP
Permissions to backup the SharePoint Portal Single Sign on Database:
- A user that is in the "Manage Single Sign-On" Group for the Portal.

Account 3:  NBU_SQL_BACKUP
Permissions to backup the SharePoint Portal SQL Databases Database:
-  Local Administrator for the SQL server(s) in the SharePoint Farm
-  SA (System Administrator) rights in each Microsoft SQL Server Instance that contains a SharePoint Portal Database

In order to get a successful backup of a SharePoint Portal Farm using NetBackup, the accounts noted above need to be set in the same way on every server performing that function.  For example, if there are 3 Web Servers in the farm configuration, the settings need to be set the same on all three web servers.  Below is a chart of detailing which user ID is used when setting up the SharePoint Agent.  The "NBU Client Host Properties" for each server is found in the NetBackup Administration Console, and the NetBackup Client Service logon properties are on each SharePoint server.  


Message Edited by Stumpr on 10-08-2007 07:15 AM

Level 6
DOCUMENTATION: Policy configuration for Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server Farm when using Veritas NetBackup
Manual: Veritas NetBackup 6.0 for Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003 System Administrator's Guide, page 18

Modification Type: Addition

Note that the SharePoint Portal software must be SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or higher and NetBackup must be version 6.0 Maintenance Pack 2 or higher. NetBackup Client must be installed on all servers that comprise the SharePoint Server Farm.  Additionally, all parts of the portal must be functioning properly. It is recommended the SharePoint administrator check the event logs on each server in the portal to confirm everything is functioning correctly.

In a medium to large SharePoint Portal Server Farm configuration, one or more servers will assume the following roles:

-SharePoint Portal Front-end Web Servers (IIS)
-Portal Index server (search service and index database)
-Portal Job server (Single sign-on service and database)
-SQL Server (configuration database, content database, services database, and the user profile database)

To properly back up a SharePoint Portal Server Farm using NetBackup 6.0, it is important to enter only the portal virtual host as the client to be backed up.  It is not necessary to enter all the clients that comprise the portal.  Following is an example configuration:

SERVER    ROLE                                                                            
SPS-01      SharePoint Portal Front-end Web Servers(IIS)
SPS-02      SharePoint Portal Front-end Web Servers(IIS)
SPS-03      Portal Index server (Search service and Index database)
SPS-04      Portal Job server (Single Sign-On service and database)
SQL-01      SQL Server (Configuration database, Content database, Services database, and the User Profile database)

Portal Virtual Host:  sps.portal.local

The client to list in the policy is only one of the front end Web servers, in this case either SPS-01 or SPS-02,  but not both. There is no reason to enter all servers in the configuration into the Policy list nor any reason to put both front-end Web servers into the clients list to be backed up.

Level 6
DOCUMENTATION: How to enable logging to troubleshoot NetBackup Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server backups
Manual: Veritas NetBackup 6.0 for Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003 System Administrator's Guide, page 49

Modification Type: Addition

Note the following requirements for successful backup and restore of SharePoint Portal server data:

- The SharePoint Portal software must be SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or higher and NetBackup must be version 6.0 Maintenance Pack 2 or higher.
- The NetBackup client must be installed on all servers that comprise the SharePoint Server Farm.  
- Additionally, all parts of the portal must be functioning properly. It is recommended the SharePoint administrator check the event logs on each server in the portal to confirm everything is functioning correctly.

In a SharePoint Portal Server Farm configuration, one or more servers assume the following roles:

-SharePoint Portal Front-end Web Servers (IIS)
-Portal Index server (search service and index database)
-Portal Job server (single Sign-On service and database)
-SQL Server (configuration database, content database, services database, and the user profile database)

To capture the appropriate data for troubleshooting, verify that the following log directories exist on each server in the SharePoint Portal Farm configuration:

-SharePoint Portal Front-end Web Servers (IIS)
<install path>\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\bpbkar
<install path>\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\bpresolver
<install path>\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\spps
-Portal Index server (Search service and Index database)
<install path>\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\bpbkar
-Portal Job server (Single Sign-On service and database)
<install path>\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\bpbkar
-SQL Server (Configuration database, Content database, Services database, and the User Profile database)
<install path>\Veritas\NetBackup\logs\bpbkar

Additionally, use the NetBackup Administration console to turn up logging on each client to the highest verbosity. To do this, open Host Properties for each client that comprises the SharePoint Portal farm and set the global and database logging level to 5.
Once the debug directories have been created and the logging level increased, be sure to stop and restart all NetBackup services on the SharePoint servers.  

See the Related Documents section below for additional information regarding Microsoft SharePoint server when using Veritas NetBackup