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Overlapping Appliaction Backup windows - FYI

Level 4
Just a quick FYI in case you ever run across this:
When an Automatic Schedule kicks off (runs a script, or whatever). it will use the open Application Backup schedule that is open at the time.  In order to have multiple retentions, you can configure different Application Backup schedules to be open at different times for multiple retentions per policy.  This is handy for, say, an Oracle backup script that you run during the week.  A daily Application schedule can be open Mon-Fri and then another Application backup can be opened at the weekend, Saturday (with a different retention).  The Automatic schedule kicks off the script Mon-Sat and uses whatever window is opened. 
If you have more than one Application Backup schedule and they happen to overlap and the Automatic kicks off during the overlap:  NetBackup uses the first Application schedule it finds alphabetically
Just thought you'd like to know.  Can't find that documented anywhere.  At least now someone can google this and hopefully come up with an answer.

Level 6
for what I understand the one with highiest priority and retention is the only one who kickoff automaticly.