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Restore Error

Level 4


When i was trying the restore, I am getting the following errror .Please help me on this.


08/08/2011 04:57:53 - positioning 606511 to file 12

08/08/2011 04:58:40 - Warning bptm (pid=19139) cannot locate on drive index 10, locate scsi command failed, status = 0x2, key = 0x3, asc = 0x15, ascq = 0x0

08/08/2011 04:59:38 - Error bptm (pid=19139) ioctl (MTFSF) failed on media id 606511, drive index 10, I/O error (bptm.c.6850)

08/08/2011 04:59:38 - Warning bptm (pid=19139) TapeAlert Code: 0x03, Type: Warning, Flag: HARD ERROR, from drive STK.T9940B.004 (index 10), Media Id 606511

08/08/2011 04:59:38 - Error bptm (pid=19139) TapeAlert Code: 0x05, Type: Critical, Flag: READ FAILURE, from drive STK.T9940B.004 (index 10), Media Id 606511

08/08/2011 04:59:38 - Warning bptm (pid=19139) TapeAlert Code: 0x12, Type: Warning, Flag: DIRECTORY CORRUPTED ON LOAD, from drive STK.T9940B.004 (index 10), Media Id 606511

08/08/2011 04:59:39 - Error bptm (pid=19143) The following files/folders were not restored:

08/08/2011 04:59:39 - Error bptm (pid=19143) UTF - /T/MSSQL$ARS/BACKUP/PMDepo/PMDepo_db_200910050200.BAK

08/08/2011 04:59:39 - restored from image USADCSQLN01-edm.isolated_1254765068; restore time: 0:02:21

08/08/2011 04:59:40 - Warning bprd (pid=19022) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on October 3, 2016 12:51:08 PM CDT

08/08/2011 04:59:40 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:02:59

the restore failed to recover the requested files (5)


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The tape drive return a read error:

cannot locate on drive index 10, locate scsi command failed, status = 0x2, key = 0x3, asc = 0x15, ascq = 0x0

The error mean that the tape drive can't find the location asked by Netbackup. There can be multiple reason for this error. But this may give us a lead :

Warning, Flag: DIRECTORY CORRUPTED ON LOAD, from drive STK.T9940B.004 (index 10), Media Id 606511

Did you have a unexpected power drop lately ?. If tapes aren't properly dismounted, the index in the beginning dosen't get updated and you will receive a locate error upon next mount.

Down the drive and re-try on a different tape drive, but I expect you will get the same error.

In some cases the directory can be re-built if you mount the tape and issue a "space to end of data" using the UNIX mt command. The mt command may take hours to complete as the entire tape is read.