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Several problems\questions

Level 3
Hi all,
I'm having a few problems with my NBU server:
1. Cleaning jobs not shown on the console. Is there anything I can run to see what's wrong?
2. How do I enable running bp commands? When I try to run bplist, I get "bplist: not found".
I was told I should check the path on .tcshrc and it's the way it should be.
What else can be done? Do I have to add something on bp.conf?
3. Regarding duplication from disk to tape. I get 2 jobs opened, one holds 2 images and the other job holds another image. Why don't I get one job with one image? thing is, the first one is always successful and the second one always fails. It fails because It is made active as the first one made active, so I get "server resources are busy" error. It should be queued and only after the first one ends, it should be running.
Anyone has an idea?
4. What are the differences between densities hcart, hcart2 and hcart3? 
What tapes apply to different types of drives? 

Level 6
Hi, your cleaning jobs are probably not showing up because they are not running. Did you configure a cleaning media and put into the cleaning pool? You do not have to enable bp commands, you are getting this error because /usr/openv/netbackup/bin is not in your /usr/openv/netbackup/bin then type ./bplist or you can just type the whole path /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bplist -arguments. I do tape to tape dupes and there is one parent job and two child jobs that kick off this is just normal behavior. The differencies between these types of media are hcart = LTO I hcart2  = LTO II  and hcart3 = LTO III

Hope this helps...