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Some particular Linux vmdks files backup from flashbackup-windows policy can't be list from the bplist command

Level 4

We have a policy named "VM_Backup" which is the FlashBackup-Windows policy, the policy type number is 29.

We have a vm been choose in this policy, the one is "xxxx02" and it's the linux VM.

While we backup the whole VM, we also back the filesystem. The backup has no error.


NBU master version is on AIX

The issue is that with the BAR tool in the master, we can quickly list the file system of the VM xxxx02.

Howver, when we try to list the vmdk file, it hangs about a half hour, and then "socket read failed 23" issue happen. Or it hangs without any response and without any error message being return.

Try to bplist command:

bplist -flops 33554432 -C xxxx02  -s 11/10/2013 18:40:00  –e 11/10/2013 18:59:59 -t 29 -R -l /

The bplist command also failed with "socket read failed 23". Please note the below bplist command will immediately show the file system of the VM xxxx02 such /, /usr etc.

bplist  -C xxxx02  -s 11/10/2013 18:40:00  –e 11/10/2013 18:59:59 -t 29 -R -l /


We tried a lot of vmdk backup images at other time, fortunately there were a backup image of the vmdk finally be shown in the BAR tool after a half hour, then we start the restore of this vmdk file, but we can see there were half hour delay then we get the media, see following,

2013/11/15 pm 04:22:26 - begin Restore
2013/11/15 pm 04:58:57 - media needed: SCB87D (after half hour, the bprd give us the media id)
2013/11/15 pm 04:58:57 - restoring from image xxxx02_138441xxxx
2013/11/15 pm 05:16:31 - Info bptm (pid=5540) start
2013/11/15 pm 05:16:31 - started process bptm (pid=5540)




2013/11/15 pm 06:01:10 - end Restore; elapsed time 1:38:44
the requested operation was successfully completed  (0)

The interesting thing is that, we found out the bplist command just can only hang with the Linux vmdk file, but work fine for Windows vmdk files.

It means if we use the command "bplist -flops 33554432 -C windowsclient" to show the Windows vmdk from this flashbackup-windows backup policy, it will list it very fast.

I did search a lot in our internal KB database and Google, but didn't get any thing about if it's bug in NBU7.1.0.4.

In addition, the option "-flops 33554432" is not documented by our admin guide, not sure if it's availabe in another admin guide,  but I get this option from the usr logs.


Could you please give me more insight about this? If you need the master nbsu, please let me know.

Howver I didn't get the bplist, bprd, bpdbm logs since the end user has no time to collect it.




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



I had a similar type of issue with HyperV and the xml files not showing for certain VMs (not all). The backups ran perfectly but it was an issue trying to query the image database.


In the end it was something to do with the client, support suggested to go to a lower version of the 7.5 client. I know yours is 7.1 but it might face the same issue.


Open a support case and in the meanwhile try to lower the client version until they get you a fix.





Level 4

Hi Riann,


Thanks a lot for your update.

I am affarid the client is not able to lower the version.


Best Regards
