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configuring Media server fails with database system error

Level 2
I am attempting to configure a media server, Win 2003, so the server can back itself up over the Fibre SAN instead of IP network. When I attempt to configure the media server it fails an error Database System Error

Level 6
Throw a bone at us, whats is the "log" error?

There should be more than "Database System Error"

Do you have a Media Manger License?


Level 2
Unfortunately, the only error displayed is Database System Error, I am assuming that Media Manager License is the same as the SSO license? if that assumption is correct then yes I do have a Media Manager License.

I randomly checked through some of the logs, but I am not sure which logs are appropriate in this situation.

Level 5
Ola Paul,

I believe the media manager licence and the SSO licence are not the same, check up on that with your vendor support. well it would be great if you could share with us the procedure you are following in the configuration of the media server.

1) does the master server bp.conf have the entry of the media server
SERVER= < media server name >

2) do a tpautoconf -a on the media server andsee if its giving an error on each drives being discovered.

3) check out the tpcommandlog/ directory for the log file and the respective error its throwing up.

4)check if theres and entry in the media server vm.conf file for the REQUIRED_INTERFACE and that its pointing to the correct master server.

5) do a bpclntcmd on the media server as well as the master server for host name resoution.

6) check out the network settings the tpcommandlog logs would clearly mention a network error if its occurring.

Please do share your insights regarding the issue.

Ankur Kumar