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BESR Agent installation fails

Level 2
Hi I´m new and I hope somebody can help me. We upgrade our BESR 6.5 to 7.0.1 on a Win2003 Server and the agents on some workstations. BUT one of this workstation make me crazy. I update the agent on this workstation like the others. 1. On BESR Manager select the workstation Computer>Workstation2 2. in this step normaly I will done Computer>Update Agent BUT on this one Workstation BESR Manager cant connect. 3. so i clicked on "install agent" this installation need very very long time. 4. so I log on this workstation as admin 5. the installation on this workstation was not end because a unvisible error massage was on desktop. I have no idea what of massage it was. In eventlog I found somewhere that it is a "Harwareinstallation". I think it is this "Win XP Logo checking, if the Software are compatible with XP" massage. So i try to click the "OK"-button "blind". 6. After 5 blind clicks, I hit this button with success. 7. Promt the workstation reboot. 8. On our Server the agent installation was complete and so BESR Manager could connected this Workstation. 9. BUT this Workstation can not backup the c: Driver The error massage is: Cannot lock volume “\\{volume_name}” because it contains the operating system or it has an active paging file. 10. so try the fixinstall.bat 11. I reboot the workstation try to backup again. but it doesn´t work I hope it is nessery to know, before I install the Agent, I had install O&O Defrag Ver 10 (defragmation Software) on this workstation. So I try to backup the c: Driver after I had close the Defrag Services. but it doesn´t work, too. So I don´t know what the problem is and what can I do to fix this problem. Could you please help me?? Thank you Best regards Thom PS: I´m very sorry for my bad english grama;-)

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
I would try uninstalling, and then installing the agent directly from CD on that workstation rather than push it from another system.

Level 2
Dear Bill
thank you for your prompt answer. Smiley Happy
Yes, you had right. So did follow steps:
1. I uninstall the BESR agent on this Workstation.
2. and disconnect all usb external drivers.
3. I start the installation directly from the cd on this workstation
4. to be surre, I install this full
5. durring this installtion, become the "unvisible" error massage
    "Hardwareinstallation" visible again. So I had right it was
    this "Win XP Logo checking, if the Software are compatible
    with XP" massage. But the reason was "Not-PnP-Driver".
6. I had to clicked on "continue installation" 3 times
7. After this, the Installtion was success and I reboot the Workstation.
8. I start the backup and It works Smiley Happy
Why have the BESR installation problems with PnP-Drivers?
I will be glad, if somebody could explain me this error massage.
Thank you a have a nice day
Best regards
