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Installing Image hangs on 37%

Level 2
We have taken an image of a data drive containing approx 490 GB of data.  The image was captured successfully in approx 6 hours.  When restoring the image onto a new server with 900GB of free space it has hung on 37% twice.
Any ideas or has anyone else had problems trying to restore large image files?

Level 4
Are you by any chance restoring to a VMware server or other Virtual server? is so it could be a limit on the size of the disk. (It can be changed by reformating the datastore with a bigger block size in VMware ESX)
just a suggestion

Level 2
Hi Lasse,
Thanks for the reply.  No it's not virtual.  It is a similar server, HP DL380.  We have just aquired system recovery and successfully captured and deployed images when it's just one partition (system).  When trying to capture a server with 2 partitions 1 x mirror (system) 1 x Raid 5 (Data) we use two seperate image captures for each partition.  As I said the system partition is fine, no problem but whenever we try to restore the data image it always fails!! I don't understand why as it's purely data! We have not been able to capture and deploy a server of this configuration.  It's now beginning to do my head in...........any advice would be great.