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Problems "Adding Computer" on same network

Level 2
Hello. I have SBESR Desktop versioin 7.0 installed on my computer and my parents computer. I am trying to connect to my parents computer and when trying to connect, it asks for Netowrk Credentials Username and Password. I have no idea what these are. I know the destinations computer name but it doesnt have a password for it. I then checked the Network Credentials in the SBESR program and the area to configure or add a username and password is greyed out and I cannot add one. I will include screen shots of both problems.

This image shows where it asks for the username and password while attempting to connect to other computer.... Photobucket

This image will display the area inside the program where the Network Credentials is greyed out..... Photobucket

Can someone please tell me what I need to do to be able to either set up the appropriate credentials or connect to the computer? Thank you very much for any and all help!

Level 2
Nobody? Thanks anyway.

Level 4
Partner Accredited
Hi JCon,
Sorry for being blond (and Dutch), but these Q's are VERY elementary IT/network knowledge. If you do not know these... I'll give some directions, but this is not the place to educate on Windows/Networking
You first Q/picture:
EVERY computer has credentials on it's C$ (called C share and is a administrative networking share of your C: drive, needed for these remote-installations), namely the "administrator" and/or the administrator group.
Even the default user on your parents computer (which probable log's in automaticly in your case) can have a password. You can set/change it in the Control Panel / User Accounts.
You have to disable "Simple networking" (Folderoptions/View, the lowest option)
Find-out what the password is for administrator or set a pasword for the default user
Now you can connect to this computer using the following syntax: machinename\user where user is or "administrator" or the default user you gave a password to.
Your second screen is a feature in BESR where you can store your images. The path that is showing is a local path and therefore the netwerkcredentials are grayed-out. If you are able to connect to your parents PC with hostname\user:password, and in this screen instead of e:
... you use \\hostname\folder\folder, you'll see the credentials part of the screen have to be used. You can then enter hostname\user:password. The moment you click, this combination will be checked before it continues.
That is it for now. Please take some time to get yourself acquainted with Windows & Networking