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Syantec system Recovery 2011 slows down during backup

Level 4


I run SSR 2011 in a number of virtual machines that create the image file on a physical server that offloads to tape.  We have been having issues where the backups start well and run well for some hours then slow right down.  I am  using 2gb file sizes and backing up in one instance about 300gb of data.  the base was going OK overnight until about 3am when the files that we being created every 4 mins started to be created avery 15, then 40 sometimes 40 minutes.  Still running.

The destination address is easily accessible, the are no queued packets and the network performace in task manager is very low on both machines.

the whole network was going slow when this was running (very slowly) during the day and when I cancelled it the whole network returned to normal.

Any suggestions?

I have already reinstalled SSR 2011 with the latest version, but that may not be the issue...

 - Neil



Level 4

Thanks for that link.

I will give it a go.  All the backups are to windows shares so it may help.  I already beak doen the large backups to smaller files.

Level 4

For what its worth, I downloaded the register files referred to above but noticed that the SSR 2011 version still has a registry key referring to "Backup Exec System Recovery" instead of "Symantec System Recovery". 

I presume that is incorrect... 

Level 4

I tried the registry settings on one server.  A full image took 38 minutes before the change and 35 minutes after.  I don't think that is significant.

However I am hopeful that we might have found the problem and it relates to a network bottleneck caused by the offsite copy running (or trying to run) at the same time as the images are being created.  I have disabled all the offsite copies and things at this stage look like thay are back to normal.  Fingers crossed.

I think we have reached a tipping point as far as volume is concerned and we need to rethink how we backup so that backup traffic is not travelling on the network at all.


Yep concurrent backups are always a problem.