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Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery (VProConsole) has encountered a problem and needs to close.

Not applicable

I keep getting this message when I try to open the VPro Console. I have tried to uninstall BESR and .Net Frameworks 2.0 and reinstalling. I have also tried to install .Net Frameworks 3.5 but I still get the same message. I have not changed anything on my PC recently so I’m not sure what caused this problem. The program was running with no problems before. I cannot find any information about this except which really didn’t help. Anyone have in information?

This is the info included:

EventType : clr20r3     P1 : vproconsole.exe     P2 :     P3 : 48a1f3e2P4 : system.drawing     P5 :     P6 : 461ef1b8     P7 : 7ea     P8 : 5aP9 : system.argumentexception
Message Edited by MrCraigar on 08-31-2008 07:01 PM
Message Edited by MrCraigar on 08-31-2008 07:02 PM

Level 6
Employee Accredited

To test this run the wbemtest utility to determine the integrity of WMI on the client machine.

To run the wbemtest utility
1.Run "wbemtest.exe" from a command line prompt (Windows XP / 2K / 2K3).
2.This utility opens up a Graphical User Interface (GUI) dialog. 
3.Click the Connect... button on the main dialog.
4.Enter root\cimv2 in the first field
5.Press the Connect button again.
6.Press the Query... button, and enter the following:

"select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration" (without quotes)

7.Press Apply.

This should give a list of network adapter objects.  If it does not could be a corrupted repository

To clear the corrupted repository
1.Open a command prompt.
2.Type net stop winmgmt and press Enter.
3.Rename the folder %windir%\System32\Wbem\Repository to%windir%\System32\Wbem\Repository_bad
4.Open a command prompt and type net start winmgmt and press Enter.

After the reposity has been built does it allow you to launch the console and see the agent? Can this agent be seen by a remote console?

Not applicable

We have the same problem. We've tried to repair FrameWork 2.0. Nothing changes.
We've tested repository and it is correct. Nevertheless we clear repository. The problem persists.
We've tried 8.5.3 and 8.5.5. Agent could be seen remotely successfully.
Here is exact error from event log
EventType clr20r3, P1 vproconsole.exe, P2, P3 49ac7b52, P4 system.drawing, P5, P6 4889dec2, P7 7f2, P8 5a, P9 system.argumentexception, P10 NIL.