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scripting V2iSR.exe (to automate restore from recovery point)

Level 2
I'm making a customised boot CD, and want to create a batch file / script /etc which will automatically commence a full disk restore from a recovery point which I nominate (across the network).

My end goal, is that I can give shift operators a CD which will rebuild a machine in the event of an OS crash, or app problems.

Is this possible?  I'm using LSR 6.x, and yes I know there's no supported CD customisation tool there, but from looking through the .cmd files on the LSR CD, it's clear that V2ISR.EXE supports command line arguments...but which ones....?


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
I don't believe customizing the V2iSR.exe utility is a supported operation.
However, you should be able to run V2iSR.exe with the /? or -? parameter to see what options it supports.
Modifying the default SRD that comes with the product also is not likely supported.  However, it is based on WinPE 2.0 and uses a .WIM file, so you may be able to find info on modifying it out on the web.

Level 2
ahh, thanks a million Bill.  I'd tried "/?", but got "Error EC95001C: Command line is not valid, Argument not allowed"

Hadn't tried "-?" though, worked like a charm.

Thanks again,

Level 4
Where can I find this file?
I am trying to create a script to startoff a conversion task on a remote client. I know this should be possible.
This is my script, unfortunately somewhere it fails. Bill, I know it is not supported, but could you send my your version of the script enabling a conversion start on a BESR agent ? This is mine but I have not succeeded yet.

WScript.Echo "Backup Exec System Recovery Convert script" & vBCrlf & vBCrlf
' Step 1: Grab passed-in parameters
If (WScript.Arguments.Count < 3) Then
WScript.Echo "Use the following parameters:" & vBCrlf & "1. Input file (full pathname to .v2i location)" & VbCrLf & "2. Output path" & vBCrlf & "3. VMDK/VHD"
End If
inputFile = WScript.Arguments(0)
outputPath = WScript.Arguments(1)
sType = WScript.Arguments(2)
WScript.Echo "Running.."
WScript.Echo "Input file   : " & inputFile
WScript.Echo "Output path  : " & outputpath
WScript.Echo "Output format: " & sType & vBCrlf

' Step 2: Create a Backup Exec System Recovery automation object
Set v2iAuto = CreateObject("Symantec.ProtectorAuto")
' Step 3: Connect to the local agent
Set oNet = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
Call v2iAuto.Connect(oNet.ComputerName)
' Step 4: Get info from SV2i file
SV2iPath = v2iAuto.GetSV2iFilePath
WScript.Echo "SV2iPath = " & sv2ipath
Set oSv2iLocation = CreateObject("Symantec.VProRecovery.FolderLocation")
Set oP2vSystemInfo = v2iAuto.LoadSV2i(oSv2iLocation)
' Step 5: Set the destination location
Set oDestination = CreateObject("Symantec.VProRecovery.FolderLocation")
oDestination.Path = "D:\"
oP2vSystemInfo.DestinationLocation = oDestination
' Step 6: Set the conversion type
If sType = "VMDK" Then
oP2vSystemInfo.DestinationConversionType = 1
End If
If sType = "VHD" Then
oP2vSystemInfo.DestinationConversionType = 2
End If
' Step 7: Do the conversion now
Call v2iAuto.ConvertSystem(oP2vSystemInfo)

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
V2iSR.exe is the application on the recovery disk that restores recovery points.
I'm afraid I'm not familiar enough with our scripting interface to be of much help with your scripting problem.  Perhaps another user on the forum can comment?

Level 2
Im trying to accomplish a similar thing,
but i want the recovery disk installed to a partition on the hard drive.
did you manage to get the automated script working?
Do you know if a similar thing is possible with Backup Exec?

Not applicable
Employee Accredited

Has anyone been able to use the V2ISR.exe command line successfully?  Please supply a working example of the command line if you have.  I have tried the following but receive the error:  "The destination is invalid"


V2ISR -SVF Z:\Recovery_Point\Fender_C_Drive001.v2i -DDN 1 -DPN 1 -ODL C -OPP -OSA

Not applicable

@jojo34 wrote:

Has anyone been able to use the V2ISR.exe command line successfully?  Please supply a working example of the command line if you have.  I have tried the following but receive the error:  "The destination is invalid"


V2ISR -SVF Z:\Recovery_Point\Fender_C_Drive001.v2i -DDN 1 -DPN 1 -ODL C -OPP -OSA

I tried to select the first disk so I wrote -DDN 1 and got the same error.

Later figured out that the first disk is -DDN 0.


And dont forget -NUI (No user input) if you want to automate the whole thing.



Level 2

I booted into Symantec Recovery SRD and brought up a Terminal and tried your solution with -NUI and saw nothing happening. I didnt get any errors, but didnt seem like anything was being processed. So I took out the -NUI and saw an error:

Error EOBC0001: Property Segment was not found.


Any clues? 


And if it had worked, were would you put the script to automate the SRD? Would it be a batch file?