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10 tapes, 7 slot auto loader - cataloging

Level 2
what would be the best procedure for cataloging a 10 tape media set using a 7 slotted auto loader/changer?

I have tried the following:
Fill the auto loader as normal, tapes 1-7
Inventorise the slots
initiate catalogue on tape 1.

Once tape 1 has run through, (v. quickly!), then asked for tape 10, which is isnt in the loader....
Remove tape 1 from slot and replace with 10, then do an inventory....
Inventory doesnt run - job monitor reports "no idle drives" (is that true as there is only 1 drive in the auto loader and that is in the use by the catalog job??)

2nd go:
Load Tape 1 directly into drive and "Initialise" the whole auto loader. tape header info shows, start catalogue - tape 1 read v quickly.
then asked for tape 10, load directly into drive, initialise the whole auto loader, tape header info shows, catalog continues, v fast.
repeat for tape 6.
Tape 7 needed, follow same method as before, tape takes a long (and i mean long) time to catalog...
tape 1 again, same as tape 7 (slow)
tape 2, slow
tape 3, slow
and so on i guess, i've only got to tape 3 and i started 3 days ago....

any thoughts appreciated.

Level 6

Have you enabled bar code rules?
If yes, try disabling them and verify the results.

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