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11d Remote Agent Not Staying Active.....

Level 4
This is a sporadic thing sometimes it works sometimes it does not. I have already applied the latest patches.

Job ended: Thursday, March 29, 2007 at 5:46:07 AM Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe000fe30 - A communications failure has occurred. Final error category: Server Errors

Message Edited by nhbilly on 03-29-200708:35 AM


Level 6
Is the remote NIC configured properly?   Is it on a 100 MHz switch or 1Gbps switch?   If 100 MHz, set the remote NIC to 100 / full duplex instead of auto /auto.   Only 1 Gbps NICs should be auto/auto.   Did you give the remote agent proper access and ip information?   Did you exclude the remote process from anti-virus scanning.  

Level 4
I was running 9.1 with 99.9% success rate - 11d no luck so far.
Nothing on my system has changed beside agent upgrade.
1.  1gbps - auto
2.   can communicate with BE server
3.   No antivirus

Like I mention it's sporadic - it's a different server every time it happens or sometimes it doesn't happen at all.
If I recall during the pre snap shot process it stops. But my system event log doesn't have any alerts in it so I can't be too sure and I'm not sitting at my desk looking at the process from the beginning to the end. I'm only getting the alerts after the job finished.....

Message Edited by nhbilly on 03-29-200710:19 AM

Message Edited by nhbilly on 03-29-200710:20 AM

Level 6
1.) Uninstall the remote agent and reboot.
2.) Reinstall the agent from the BE server to make sure the administrator user is communicating properly with the remote box. 
3.) Verify the proper IP informaiton is used between them.
I had the remote agent get flaky on just upgrading it. 

Level 4
Already done....I will fine out later tonight if the monthly archive will work or not to bad the test run is a little useless....


Level 5
Yes, I have this problem too unfortunately, even with the latest release that only came out last week.
Trying to backup Windows XP x64 workstations always crashes the agent every time.
Backing up servers sometimes crashes the agent.
Last night I had my entire backup job fail for all servers because the BE server backs itself up first and it crashed it's own local remote agent, apparently that upset it so much that it gave up in a sulk and didn't even try to back up the other 30 servers :(

Level 6
I would check your network infrastructure for problems.   Make sure your NICs on the workstation are 100 Mbps / full duplex.   Switch ports for workstations should also be 100 Mbps / full duplex to match.   Watch your switch diagnostics screen for packet flooding.  Some switch backplanes are under 30 Gbps and can cause problems with packet drops that will stop your backup.   I also found flow control can cause problems because it pauses packets.    On BE, this can cause it to crash.  

Level 4
**** it.....snap shot is still runnning. 11 hours and 30 minutes. ~356GB. Time to cancel the job.
No error no nothing.

Message Edited by nhbilly on 03-30-200708:09 AM

Now I know why my job last night *****ed out. remote agent for exchange crapped, nice and hung up the job.

Message Edited by nhbilly on 03-30-200708:27 AM

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Message Edited by John_B on 03-31-2007 04:13 PM

Level 4
Exchange backup has not *****ed out, knock on wood.......but my SQL 2005 agents keeps on stopping - WTF.

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Thank you.

Message Edited by John_B on 04-01-2007 10:38 AM