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11d on XP

Level 3
I have Symantec Backup Exec 11d installed on a Windows XP machine. When a full backup is performed, it fails due to two different errors. The first one reads:
V-79-57344-34110 - AOFO: Initialization failure on: "D:". Advanced Open File Option used: Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP).
Snapshot provider error (0xE0008523): Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP) cannot snap the specified volume. Restart the target computer, and then run the job again.
Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.

And the second errors reads:
V-79-57344-37913 - To fully protect Windows Server 2003, you must select Shadow Copy
Components for backup

With the first error, I restarted the target computer and still received that error. And with the second error, I know the cause has something to do with backing up Windows 2003 components. Could this have anything to do with 11d running on an XP machine instead of Windows 2003? Any suggestions on how to resolve these errors will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Level 6
Good morning,
Regarding the AOFO Initialization failure; does this occur if you back up the C: drive on the same server? Other servers? Try changing the AOFO settings to use VSS instead of VSP, and let me know if that makes a difference.

Level 3
The AOFO Initialization failure occurs while backing up other servers. And I will try changing the setting to VSS and let you know what happens

Level 3
I should have asked this on my last posting. How do I change the AOFO settings to use VSS instead of VSP?

Level 6
In the job properties, under Advanced Open FIle, Select "Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service" under Open file configuration. The default Snapshot provider should be "Automatic - Allow VSS to select the snapshot provider"

Level 3
Thank you. I will let you know how that goes when our next backup is performed

Level 3
I went to Tools > Options > Advance Open File and checked the box labeled Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service. Then waited to see if VSS would work instead of VSP during my full backup on Friday. Unfortunately, i received the same errors as before. Is there anything else I can try?

Level 6
Can you install a second hard drive and try using it?   You might be having issues backing up C: to itself.  That is alot of work for a computer drive.   Usually, you do disk to disk to separate arrays or drives. 

Level 6
If you are only seeing this error on the D drive of the one server, I would recommend ensuring that the account has the proper rights to the drive itself.
Symantec recommends that the account should be a Domain Admin account and also should  have the following rights on the server:
1. Act as Part of the Operating System
2. Backup Files and Directories
3. Create a Token Object
4. Logon as a service
5. Manage Auditing and Security Log
6. Restore Files and Directories
7. Take ownership of files and other objects.
You may also want to exclude .TMP and .VSP files from full system scans in the AV software.

Level 6
I would exclude all BE and SQL Proceses from anti-virus scans.  It can bog down a backup.  

Level 3
I wanted to briefly follow up on this thread I started a few months ago. I was able to eliminate these errors. What I was doing was backing up my Exchange server and my File server as one backup job using AOFO. According to Symantec, It is not recommended to use AOFO to backup my Exchange server. So what I had to do was split the backup job into two. One using AOFO to backup my File server, and the other without using AOFO to backup my Exchange server. Once that was done, the errors went away. Hopefully, this will help others in the future.