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8.6 to 9.1 Upgrade Issues and/or advantages?

Not applicable
I work for a small business that has purchased the upgrade from 8.6 to 9.1 for servers and options they own  (SQL and Exchange inclued) yet is reluctant to implement. 
If it aint broke.... 
What gets improved and are there any pitfalls you know of?
Any experiences out there that you are willing to share? 
The path to Version 12 is currently economically not feasible.

Level 6
Improvements -
1)  drivers for newer tape devices
2)  Support for W2K3
3)  Support for WXP
4)  Support for Exchange 2K3 and retains support for 5.5
5)  Retains support for SQL 7 & 2000
6)  Support for more flavors of *Nix
7)  Improved B2D support
As for pitfalls or gotchas   v9.1/SP5 is IMNSHO one of the more stable builds, and there have been very few reports of problems with the upgrade.