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Access is denied, 0xa0008488

Not applicable
I am running Veritas Backup Exec Small Business server Suite Version 9.1 rev 4691 on a Windows 2000 SBS SP4. It backs up both data and emails(Exchange 2000). The data is backed up fine, but there are some emails that are skipped with the following error, Final error: 0xa0008488 - Access is denied. When I go to the emails accounts I cannot find the emails that are been skipped. It is like the Veritas still lists emails but they are no longer on the system. The logon account used is the domain administrator account so it has access rights to everything. When I untick the emails that cause the problem the backup runs fine. Any help would be much appreciated. Conor

Level 6

Click on "job setup" and open the job properties.

Click on "Selections" > "View Format" > "Text"...

Select the "non-existing" emails and click on "delete".

Run the job and verify the results.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to the ‘answered questions’ pool.

Level 2
Help Please!. I have SBS2003 running Exchange 2003. I have 4 mailboxes that will not backup. It appears that there are emails are in use, however they are not in the mailbox. i have done as you suggested but they are not shown. I have logged into the account via outlook and they are still not shown.
I have run out of ideas and i am going to throw the Server down the stairs, please please please help.

One of the errors i have listed below:
The item \\SERVER\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Simon Arbon Top of Information StoreInbox㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥㘲㡥Your_IP_was_logged in use - skipped.

PS. The emails are not listed on the txt version so how can I / we select the "non-existing" emails

Level 2
I have had this same issue and been unable to resolve it. The sample message that you show is the same actual message that I have in several of my users mailboxes. I also have similar replicated messages "you visit illegal websites" and " mail delivery failed". I am running Symantec Mail Gateway AntiVirus and believe it is related to the combinations of AV and BE. At first it was 1 mailbox, now it is almost all mailboxes including user "webmaster" and we have no website just a mailbox. All the backups are global check boxes not individuals files. I have also seen this on a client that had a different Anti-Virus and BE v10.0. This is not a rights related issue as I also have to domain admin doing the backup. I am also 9.1 rev 4691 but I don't think it is a version issue. All other items seem to backup from the size of the data on the TR 7 tape drive.

The item \\BIZSERVER1\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Mark Levitats Top of Information StoreJunk E-mailŒ〰〰〰〰愹㜹㈸㝥慢〴㠹ㄴ㐹戰㔳㜸搱〲昰㥡㜰〰挳ㅦㄱ㕥㤴㐹㜹搴㜸㉤㝥昵ㄵ捡㠲搷〰〰〰㈳攰㐰〰〰㉥㡥挷㠵㉤㡢㌷㘴愸搶愷挳㐴摣㠰ㄲ〰〰〰愰㘴昱〰〰Your_IP_was_logged in use - skipped.
The item \\BIZSERVER1\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Theresa Mandell Top of Information StoreInboxŒ〰〰〰〰㜲攵扦搵摥㤰捦昴昸〹㤱㐰㔴搰㠴昸㜰〰㉥㡥挷㠵㉤㡢㌷㘴愸搶愷挳㐴摣㠰ㄲ〰〰〰〰挱㔶〰〰㉥㡥挷㠵㉤㡢㌷㘴愸搶愷挳㐴摣㠰ㄲ〰〰〰㠱晢愴〰〰Your_IP_was_logged in use - skipped.
The item \\BIZSERVER1\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Web Master Top of Information StoreInboxŒ〰〰〰〰〰㌹ㄸ㤳㔵敤昸愴㔹て㐰愳㤵戵㝢㜷㜰〰㉥㡥挷㠵㉤㡢㌷㘴愸搶愷挳㐴摣㠰ㄲ〰〰〰㤰ㄸ㐹〰〰㉥㡥挷㠵㉤㡢㌷㘴愸搶愷挳㐴摣㠰ㄲ〰〰〰㤰㌸捣〰〰Your IP was logged in use - skipped.

Level 2
Yes i have the "you visit illegal websites" too.... Symantec please help....

From what i can gather it may have something to do with sober.x. I am running different configurations and running backups.

Just to add, at some point sober.x has infected the email mailbox.

Answer: Was sober.x, ran tool on client and server. Also ran full mail box scan using symantec mail security.

Everything is now backing up correctly.
Hope this helps other people.

Level 6

- Mr Conor, Could you please Update us on the issue


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Level 2
I have continued looking and determined that the error is caused by the anti-virus blocking the email from being read. Through search of the what little details that are in the backup error log should find the files. Use Outlook search to locate the email item. You can not delete the files because the anti-virus blocks access to read for backup or deletion. Turn off the anti-virus and delete the identified files.

I have started a backup and unless they are still held in the information store it should end the errors.

Level 2
What is changed here actually? We also have this problem and this from 01/February/2006 Before this date, everything worked fine. Als 4 of our clients will have the same problem.

Level 6

Please update us on this issue.

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Level 2
One additional item from my previous posting. Even after all virus item were deleted the tape backup was still reporting that it could not backup 12 items that were deleted from users mailboxes. These were not visable in the folders that the tape backup errors stated i.e. Deleted Items, Junk-Mail. I believed this was due to retension on deleted mail being set to the default 30 days. I set retension to 0 days but initially it did not work. I believe that the schedule task for deleting the retained mail is a low priority and I turned the anti-virus back on to soon. The next day I was on site for almost 2 hours most of the time the AV was disabled. The next days backup the virused files were not present in the backup while they were present in the previous days backup. I can only believe that during the last visit the AV was disable when the email performed the cleanup of the deleted items. This has been a hard learned experience.

Symantec/Veritas should amend the 0xa0008488 error codes meaning. It should also state the a reason for the Access being denied could be related to Anti-Virus blocking access to the files.

Level 6
Hello Connor,

- Could you please Update us on the issue

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and would be moved to answered questions pool.
