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Active Directory Recovery Agent license issue

Not applicable
When I run the Backup Exec license assessment tool it shows that I have the evaluation active directory recovery agent installed but I do not have a license for it.  I did not intentionally install this option and have no use for it.  I see no way to remove the option.  How do I remove or disable this option?

Level 3

Have the same issue with BE 12.5

There is even not possible to install this agent as Filer Manager is not available on this system.

Level 6
Employee Certified
You can check if the ADRA otion is installed or not from :

Tools - Install options and license Keys on this media server : and go to the screen where all the options are listed : and see if the options for Active directory is selected . IF it is selected then uncheck it and complete the install.

Level 3

Thanks for reply. Checked that ADRA option is not installed. Also remarks that it is not possible to check it as always get error: "Filer Manager is not available on this system. Filer Manager is requirement of this option. Install ..."


In that screen where all options listed have checked only: 

Tape device Drivers

Online Documentation

Enable Robotic Library Support

Advanced Open File Option

Intelligent Disaster Recovery


BE is fully patched, also trying to repair installation, add License Keys again but without success.


Level 6
Employee Certified

How many jobs di you have ?If you can re- create the settings then you should try a blank database from beutility.


Currently BE utility is located at Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec.


Level 3

After re-create settings using BE Utility everything looks fine but BE License Assessment Tool found 0 licenses used.

When re-run Install Options and License Keys on this Media Server...  nothing changed.

Also when re-run it without license keys to turn back to Evalution Edition and than again with license keys, License assessment Tool still shows 0 licenses used.


There is possible to save settings eg. media sets, backup-to-disk folders, and other using some steps from:


Here is the exact steps:

1. Stop all BE services, including the SQL instance for BE.

2. In the folder C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec, copy the "Catalogs" and "Data" folders to other location.

3. Go to C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec and rename the "Catalogs" and "Data" folders (eg. Catalog.old and Data.old).

4. Create a new folder called Data.  Go to the "Data" folder you copied in Step 2, and copy only the file BEDB.BAK from the "Data" folder, pasting it into the new "Data" folder on the destination server.

5. Go to the "Catalogs" folder you copied in Step 2, copy the folder, and paste the "Catalogs" folder in C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec.

6. Now start all BE services on the new server, including the SQL instance for BE.  You will likely find that the Backup Exec Device & Media Service takes a bit long to start on the destination server.  Once all the services start, open BE - you should see your jobs, media, devices, etc.


After this i have my settings back but License Assessment Tool still shows that 0 licenses used even after repair installation from CD.

Level 6
Employee Certified

As far as LAT is  concerned you dont need to worry about it.

Level 3
So this is ok now? or i have ro reinstall LAT?

Level 6
Employee Certified

This first version BELAT does not report on all Backup Exec Agents/Options. So you dont need to uninstall and re-install BELAT.

Product Limitations:
This first version BELAT does not report on all Backup Exec Agents/Options.  Specifically, BELAT will not report on:

  • LSR  
  • DLO  
  • SAP

Level 3
ok thanks