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Advanced Open File Option

Level 2

i just installed the backupexec software (v9.1 + latest patches)on a w2003 member server. We have licenses for several remote agents, sql agents and 1 AOFO agent.
We need to use the AOFO to backup an application that runs on a progress database. I installed the AOFO to this server (w2000 sp4). When i configure the backup i select to use the AOFO (Documentid 263784). Problem is now that several other server's are given error's (like documentid 259295) because no AOFO is installed. But i dont need the AOFO for other servers and i cant install it because we only have 1 AOFO license.
In documentid 274575 i read to ignore the error in the backup log but i can't believe that this is the solution.

So can you tell me how i can solve this problem without making multiple jobs?


Level 6

This error occurs when you have selected to use AOFO for a backup when you dont have it installed on the machine and neither do you have a license.
So either ignore the error or deselect AOFO option and in the backup job properties in advanced options> select option never for backup of open files without AOFO.

NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to the ‘answered threads’ pool.

Level 2

thanks for your reply!.I understand that you mean that when i have to backup 26 server's and i have only 1 AOFO licenses i have to create multiple backupjobs instead of 1??? Isn't possible to select the server where i hav the AOFO licens installed??


Level 6

To backup all 26 servers together with AOFO you need those many AOFO licenses or you may back them up without AOFO together without checking opion AOFO.

If this does not answer your question please elaborate.

NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to the ‘answered threads’ pool.

Level 6
Did you read his post?

If you create one job, you cannot uncheck the AOFO option for individual servers within that job as far as I am aware.

Make two jobs, one which uses AOFO and backs up the appopriate server, and one which backs up the rest, with AOFO unchecked. You will not need 26 jobs, but you will need more than the single job you currently have unfortunately.

Level 6

I guess the reply in the previous post (by Joshua) can achieve the desired effect. You can create a job for the server/servers where AOFO option is installed and you can check the 'use AOFO' tab during backup. For the remaining servers,you can create another job without AOFO and from the backup job properties- advanced options tab, you can choose to never backup open files during a backup of these non-AOFO servers.

Hope this helps. In case you still have queries on this issue, do not hesitate to write back to the forum. However if we do not receive your update within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 6
As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.