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Backup Exec

Discussion Posts

How to deploy Backup Exec via the AWS Marketplace

How to deploy Veritas Backup Exec on AWS Marketplace.Veritas Backup Exec provides simple, rapid, and secure offsite backup to AWS for your in-house virtual and physical environments and protects cloud-based workloads in AWS. Veritas Backup Exec helps...

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How to deploy Backup Exec via the Azure Marketplace

How to deploy Veritas Backup Exec on Azure Marketplace.Veritas Backup Exec provides simple, rapid, and secure offsite backup to Azure for your on-premises environments and protects cloud-based workloads in Azure. Veritas Backup Exec helps customers r...

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Useful links for Upgrading Backup Exec

At its most basic, the upgrade procedure for Backup Exec is simply running installation media for the most recent version on an existing Backup Exec server. Backup Exec 15, 16 and 20 can be upgraded to Backup Exec 21 with this method. Article 1000443...

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rdmchugh by Level 1
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MDAC version

Do you know the version of MDAC that beserver.exe and pvlsvr.exe using for Veritas Backup Exec 8.5? If it is using 2.6 or earlier versions,is it safe for me to install MDAC2.7. I need intstall my application on the same server as Veritas is running....

589108150 by Not applicable
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Infinite Loop: Event 58061 & 58063

Windows Server 2003VBE 9.1 SP2HP DAT72 single tape driveI started a backup job in Append mode, but the tape filled up.I got the "Media Remove" alert "Please remove the media from the drive". (Event 58063) I removed the tape, and clicked OK.An alert b...

TimCha by Level 2
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BE Not Seeing Tape Drive

I was having problems with BE and my Onstream DI-30. It was for some reason thinking it was a robotic drive and not recognizing any of the media I had inserted. It had been working correctly up until this point.So at the suggestion of another user, I...

Storage Device Configuration Error

That is the error BE gives me.The event Viewer States:Event ID 58052Adamm configuration Warning.The device driver may not be installed for device:Identifier: EXABYTE LTO 1x7 2U B006Type: MediumChangerPeripheralandEvent ID 58053Bacup Exec Alert: De...

Yoink42 by Not applicable
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W2k3 SP1 and BE 9.1 Port settings

Since several people have reported issues with the application of the SP1 to Windows 2003, breaking BE 9.1, would it be helpful if a port/protocol list was supplied to ensure that AFTER the patch was applied the following ports are left open. I would...

Backup Speed

I use Veritas 9.0 I cannot have backup speed more 84 m per minute.I verify the SCSI chaine, Uncheck the verification a the end of the bck, I/O Error, Block size, compression and after alle these verification I cannot obtain a speed more than 84 meg p...

Help - New to use Veritas

I'm fairly new to veritas and so far have been able to do everything that I need to do. However I recently have had 2 locations that had a backup going long ago, but when I took the contract it had been stopped for some time. I have been attempting...

mbazar by Level 2
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Restoring a netware server useing BE10

I would like to receive information on how to restore a netware 5.1 server using backup exec 10.0. Any form of this information would be great. Web link, pdf file, etc.Thank you very much.Robert

Local Backup Failing

I cannot run a local backup job to tape without it failing halfway through with the following message: 'The job failed with the following error: An error occurred during the snapshot cleanup, or could not locate a snapped volume from which to back up...

Help me understand media pools

So I'm trying to wrap my head around the concept of media pools.Currently I have a (broken) Exabyte 430 tape library that is beingreplaced with an Exabyte 8X143 library. The 430 has 3 banks of 10 tapes each, 2 banks (20 tapes) were in removiable maga...

Veritas V10.0 and the IDR that never seems to work

HiI have attempted to restore form my bootable cd and IDR tape everything seems to be going great until it states that it has finished and you reboot the server. After this it never comes back and only attempts to boot then errors with "windows coul...

Tapes not recognised by Veritas

I have the same problem at two sites.Site one = new HP server, new HP DAT 72 tape drive, new HP DAT 72 tapes. I am able to back up to the tapes using the Microsoft SBS 2003 Backup but Veritas will not recognise the tapes.Site two = three year old HP ...

Tape Device Not Listed

Windows 2000 Server SP4, Quantum DLT VS 160, device is listed in Windows Device Manager, when I go through BE Device Config Wizard, device is listed in Scanning hardware, device drivers are installed complete, but when I look in Device view, Stand-al...

File copy for new server

I'm upgrading a client's server this week and was wondering if I could use the back up media from the old server to the new as a way of copying files? Both are running the same version of VBE 10.0 and using the same media. If so, would using an Iomeg...

chris_5 by Level 3
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Unrecognized Media

Hello,We've been using BackupExec 10 for about a week now. We have a DELL PowerVault 100T and use Dell DAT72 4mm. We have used one DELL tape for the past week and was working fine. Since that tape is almost full, we wanted to use a new Dell Dat72 ...

Now Veritas is Redefining Terms

Once again, rather than have it's employees actually answer questions here, they have had said employees touching every old thread they can find. Here is a quote from one of them"Archiving the post as per our previous reply "If it has been archived,...