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Alert if Scratch Media is used?

Level 2
We have a backup solution that occasionally spills over on to 2 tapes. We have an 8 slot auto loader with 1 tape for each day and we want to have a 'spare' tape in slot 8 in case it is needed.

I am configuring media sets now and this doesn't look too difficult (previously our jobs have been configured so that the tape in slot 1 runs on Monday, slot 2 on Tuesday, etc). However, we would like to be alerted if the tape from slot 8 is used, so it can be stored and replaced. I can't see an alert category that fits the bill here. Or is there some other method of doing this? We don't really want to have to manually scrutinise each day's logs to see if we need to change that tape!

Any ideas?

Level 6
Hi Wayne,

No, BE doesn't give any alert which will show whether tape from slot 8 is used.

But, BE does give alert in case if is necessary to insert overwritable media.

For that you can refer to the following document.


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Level 2
The problem with that is you can only generate that alert by essentially stopping the backup process until somebody inserts another tape! We want the backups to run and complete out of hours, hence having the extra tape 'just in case'.

Level 6

If you want backup Exec to use that extra tape 'just in case' ,you need to allocate this extra tape to that particular media set or put this tape under scratch media set and select the option to overwrite scratch media first than recyclable media from Tools > Option > Media managemet > Media overwrite option

Refer Technotes given below :



Update us on the same and revert for any further Query
Hope this will help you

Thank you

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