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All media in Discarded Media Set after reinstallation of BEX

Level 4

I just got back my autoloader after sending it in to be fixed. Also during the troubleshooting I had to uninstall/reinstall 2010 BEX. I followed the instructions provided by Symantec on how to manually backup the Catalog and Data directories (e.g. shut down services and sql, copy to different location, etc.). However, while all the tapes (100+) show up in the correct Media Sets when viewed on the Media tab, all the tapes in the autoloader are listed as "Discarded Media". I've tried repairing the dB using BEUtility.exe to no avail. I've also simply dragged each tape in the autoloader to the correct Media Set - which seems to work but now I have multiple entries for the same tape within the Media Sets.

What can I do to fully restore these catalogs and db?


Level 6

has a inventory and catalog been run on these tapes?

   VIP    Certified
Move all the tapes with double entries to the Retired Media set and delete them. Restart all the BE services, then inventory and cattalos all these tapes

Level 4

An inventory has been run. But not a catalog. Wasn't the backed up dB suppose to contain all the tape catalogs?


   VIP    Certified
No. The catalogs are in the Catalog directory

Level 4

Ok, but when I reinstalled BEX (to be more precise) I replaced both the Data and the Catalog directories with the versions I backed up from the initial installation. Shouldn't the catalogs have been contained there?

   VIP    Certified
After replacing the Catalog directory, did you restart all the BE services? If you have deleted the media, their catalogs will be purged

Level 4

Yes, I did restart both the BE services as well as the SQL instance for BEX.

I have not deleted the media.

   VIP    Certified

What makes you think that the catalogs are gone?

Level 4

They are not gone but they're obviously corrupt in some way. Previously utilized media should be recognized correctly. Why else would you be suggesting to catalog the media unless the existing catalogs are not optimal?

Again, what I'm trying to accomplish here is to reinstall BEX and bring all my jobs, lists and catalogs back from 10 years of continuous backups.

   VIP    Certified
What makes you think that the catalogs are corrupt? We will always suggest that you catalog your media because most people do not have a copy of their old catalogs. If your catalogs are OK then you don't have to blindly follow every suggestion. This is a forum and we do not have every bit of needed information

Level 4

My apologies. I thought it was clear I had backed up my Catalog and Data directories in my first post but perhaps not.

I believe the Catalogs (or dB) is corrupt because all of the media loaded is marked at Discarded Media within the autoloader - but within the Media Catalogs, the same tape is listed as being in the correct Media Group. How is it a tape can be in two places with out some data being corrupt?

   VIP    Certified
The catalogs are the contents of the backup sets on the tape. It has nothing to do with whether the tape appears twice in the console or in a different media set. This information is kept in the BEDB which probably is corrupt. Which is why we tell you to repair it.

Level 4

Thanks. I did try to repair the BEDB using the BEutility.exe to no avail. Is there another way to try and resolve this corruption or is that my only option?

   VIP    Certified
See my earlier comment

Level 6

all the tapes in the autoloader are listed as "Discarded Media".

I am assuming that "discarded media" is a media set that you have created?  I am not aware of a factory media set called "discarded media".

If you ignore the tapes in the "discarded media" set, does everything else look OK?


BE can appear to show two of the same tape as BE doesn't require the bar codes to be unique.  Therefore, you may not have anything corrupt, just something confusing.  The "media ID" is what is used to keep things uniquely identified in the database.  If you compare two tapes in the UI with the same bar code, do they have the same media ID?


Level 4


I did not create the "Discarded Media" group - it just appeared.

Everything does look ok (all jobs are listed, user defined media sets are there and populated with the correct tapes).

All my barcodes are unique and the tapes with the same name (barcode number) have the same media ID.

I was slow in responding because I had to remove the autoloader from the server to trouble shoot some issues there - it's been sent back to a repair service.

In the meantime I've tried upgrading my BEX 2010 build 2896 to R3 (same server, same credentials). I've applied all the Live Update fixes and have run BEMIG.exe. However, I'm getting hung up on starting the Backup Exec Server Service. From the Windows Application Log...

"The Backup Exec Server Service did not start.  An internal error (1627652097) occurred in object -1."

I cannot find any reference to this particular error. Any advice?

Level 4

Working through the problem a bit more and I've come to the following two errors in the Windows Application log.


Windows Application log notes:
The Backup Exec Server Service detected a schema version mismatch.
The Backup Exec Server Service did not start.  An internal error (-536813108) occurred in object 1.


I've looked through about 20 forum notes and tech articles, none of which solved the issue.

Level 4

Finally found a tech note that helped.

Using BEMIG to manually upgrade BEDB from a previous version;

I also tried extensive db repair and cleanup with;

All the steps were successful except the Consistency Check.

  Repair (ok)  Rebuild Indices (ok)   Compact (ok)  Age (ok)  Check Consistency (failed)

Since the autoloader has been sent away I can't really do much more for now.