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BE 11d Install hangs on W2k3 x64

Level 3
Installing BE 11d on a Win2003 R2 x64 box with Exchange 2007 Beta installed. Install progress bar is at "Installing MSXML 4.0 SP2" when a "Windows Installer" window pops up, with a bunch of command options and switches. The first two lines look like this:

Windows Installer. V 3.01.4000.1830
msiexec /Option

This window has an "OK" button at the bottom. If you click OK, it goes away, and the install aborts. If you do nothing, the install hangs. (Moving the mouse off of this window gives you an hourglass pointer...)

Any suggestions would be helpful.


Level 3
Updating this post ...
I loaded a duplicate box, without Exchange 2007 Beta installed, and the BE install went through without any problems. So at this point, I'm chalking it up to a problem with one of the software modules that Exchange 2007 puts out there during its install. Hopefully this will be helpful to someone.

Level 3
Same issue here on my test box. Proliant ML350 G4p. After finally uninstalling EX2k7 (PITA with public folders, use ADSIedit to remove public folders), the error remains. I am going to try a repair if I have time later today. I also uninstalled the Monad Shell and rebooted with the same error.

Level 3
Uninstalled IIS and also ran a repair on the OS. Still same error remains.

Level 2
Same problem here on a Windows 2003 storage server.
The problem is cause by this line C:\docume~1\alluse~1\applic~1\symantec\backup exec\logs
For some reason the setup cannot handle C:\docume~1\alluse~1\applic~1.
The 8.3 file name creation is enabled.
Maby someone knows a way to change this line in the setup

Not applicable
Hans.... we are having the same problem.... I think it is a bug in the installer.... the msxml command line is

msiexec /i "C:\downloads\backupexec\BEWS_11D_32BIT_VERSION\WINNT\INSTALL\MSXML\msxml.msi" /l*v C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs\MSXML4.log /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress

the problem is there is a 'space' between Backup and Exec causing the command to crash.

it should be

msiexec /i "C:\downloads\backupexec\BEWS_11D_32BIT_VERSION\WINNT\INSTALL\MSXML\msxml.msi" /l*v C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\Symantec\Backup~1\Logs\MSXML4.log /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress

this will install the MSXML package but the BE installer still doesn't recognise it has been installed.

We use Retrospect and wanted to 'try' the competition but aren't too impressed at the moment.

Start the clock there Ado !

Level 2
Is there a way to change this line in the setup?
Or is there another workaround for this problem?

Level 2
i've had the same problem on my system and finally solved it with some help from the symantec support.

the 8.3 file name support was originally disabeld which I guess caused the problem. after I ran into the msiexec problem I re-enabled it (fsutil on ws2003) but with no success!

The crucial reference came from the symantec support. I had to rename the original log folder ('Backup Exec', to any other name, just to make sure the installation routine did'nt find the old folder). The installation routine then creates the same folder again but now with 8.3 support. You can see the change in the installation log. It now refers to its log folder with 'Backup~1' instead of 'Backup Exec'.

11-28-2006,10:38:19 : msiexec /i "D:\DATEN\BEWS_11D_32BIT_VERSION\WINNT\INSTALL\MSXML\msxml.msi" /l*v C:\DOCUME~1\ALLUSE~1\APPLIC~1\Symantec\BACKUP~1\Logs\MSXML4.log /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress

After that the installation runs fine. I hope this will help anybody.

Level 3
This worked for me:


Locate the REG_DWORD value called NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation and set the value to 0. This will enable the creation of 8.3 file names. If you need to re-disable it, change the value to 1.

I deleted the orignal backup exec folder too located in:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec


Level 3
Thanks all for following thru and solving. Figured that this would be solved with the GR of Exchange 2007, but when the error still appeared, I came back here to check!
Charles - your solution worked for me, and I just wanted to mention that a good test before installing is to make sure that the BE Environment Check passes the "Enable Short File Name" check. When it shows up as a "warning" you can't bounce out and do the reg hack, and then continue the install. The way it worked for me was to delete the Symantec folder in Docs&Settings (as you suggest), perform the registry change, and then re-boot the server. When you perform BE setup again, the Env. Check should show a green check next to the Short File name option, and the install should go thru. I guess it pays to be thorough!
Thanks again! FIXED!