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BE 11d and Office 2007: any known problem ?

Level 2
I was running a BE 11d (NFR version, but only using Exchange, SQL and AD options) on a W2K3 R2 and Outlook 2003. All products fully patched.
This config was running fine.

Last week, I upgraded Outlook 2003 to Office Enterprise 2007 (I need Outlook and OneNote on that server).

Since, some problems with BE and Exchange backups (but ONLY - fortunately - with Exchange, not with SQL Server, files, AD or something else).
Actually, the backup of the whole Information Store works, as well as the Legacy Public folders.

But: no way to backup individual mailboxes. Neither the GRT option (used in conjonction with IS), nor the Legacy mailboxes works...

I've made lots of tests, and my issue is totally reproducable.
Actually, when starting a simple backup with either only the Legacy mailboxes, or only the IS with GRT option activated, the pre-backup process works, and till it wants to begin writing the content of the mailboxes to the tape, the BE remote agent crashes (VC++ Runtime error, but absolutely no details !), and that's all !

The only difference between before it was working and now it doesn't any more relies on the installation of Office 2007 (this last one works well). I can't (don't want either) uninstall Office 2007 - I'm even not sure it would change something, as new files will probably not be removed.
My opinion is that Office 2007 has probably upgraded some components (MAPI, CDO ?) used by BE and BE is now unable to use those correctly.

Does anyone have encountered the same behaviour ?
Better, does anyone have some clues to solve that ?

Thanks in advance.

Level 6
Employee Accredited
To this point we have not had any cases submitted by customers or internally identified issues with Office 2007 in the manner you describe.

I noticed that you mentioned the problem occurs when backing up to tape. Have you tried backup to disk as the device instead of tape? I ask because GRT was originally intended to be a B2D technology and you may see a different behavior in the respect.

If B2D is successful you could then perform a duplicate to tape but that will not result in granular restore selections from tape.

Level 2
I just tried directing a backup to the disk instead of the tape. Absolutely no change !
Actually, I'm not surprised, as what's crashing is the Remote Agent as soon as it tries to access the mailboxes. At that time, it hasn't begun to write to the tape, so, I would have found strange the RA could work correctly by simply changing the destination of the backup...
Any other clue ?
Thanks in advance.