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BE 2012 not able to connect to local host

Level 3

i have an issue that has just recenlty happened

i need to backup a large file from my loca drive on the backup server

when i create the one time backup job or a general backup job the settings window comes up

however it does not show the drives the icon shows the server name and you get the spinning icon and it never connects

even after leaving it for an hour with no error messages.

I have tried using the "test credentials" and again this greys out and does not return a failure or sucessful connection.

any ideas ??


Accepted Solutions

Level 3

Job is running fine !!! this is very strange, i think before i go home tonight i will leave the job selection open and see if it does actually ever connect and show me the options or if it comes up with an error.

Unless you guys have any other suggestions !!!

View solution in original post


Partner    VIP    Accredited

...have you tried with a smaller file?

Is BE 2012 up-to-date with the available patches? Just be aware before upgrading to SP1a that it isn't need to uninstall all of BE 2012 to get rid of it.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Any entries under the event viewer ? Try a repair install of BE from the control panel ...

Level 3

thanks for your response, i cant even get to the selection part it shows the server on the left and the spinning icon which should then show me the drives but it never gets to that.

we did have just service pack 1 installed before but this caused the server to crash at the weekends as all tape drives were used for the whole of the weekend this caused a massive memory leak with BE processes peaking at 20 something GB, removing SP1 then installing SP1A resovled this but now we have this new problem !!!!

Also noticed that if you try restarting the services from the console sometimes this hangs and the "remote agent service" does not stop shows status "stopping" you have to kill it off in taskk manager to get all services to restart, dont know whether this has any bearing on the issue i'm facing.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...that issue of killing the BE services to get the services running again has been around for many versions of BE!

What you can check out is whether or not a repair of BE using Add/Remove Programs will fix anything. If this is a local server issue, then there's nothing to do in terms of updates with SP1a already installed...but if it is a remote server giving you this issue, then make sure that the updates from SP1a have been push-installed to all your remote servers.

Level 3

got a .NET runtime error and application hang "backup exec" i guess that one was down to the BE remote agent service not stopping

server has recently been security patched

running the BE repair now



Level 3

i have no issues with remote servers this works fine, ran the repair and rebooting the system now


Level 3

no the repair of BE did not make any difference

just running the full backup job that has been configured before i found this problem see if it actually starts

ie: connects to the local resources and records bytes on the tape.


Level 3

Job is running fine !!! this is very strange, i think before i go home tonight i will leave the job selection open and see if it does actually ever connect and show me the options or if it comes up with an error.

Unless you guys have any other suggestions !!!