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BE Server 12.5 - B2D IMG supports dated 01/01/1970

Level 3
Hi. This b2d duplicate functionality is driving me crazy. Forgetting for a moment that 2 on 3 duplicate jobs fail without reason (folder goes offline or "error e00084f4 - unknown error" or "Insufficient disk space" (ndr NOT true), etc.) so I have to run it manually every day (it's scheduled to run just after the Backup job on LTO tape), forgetting this.. The biggest problem is that it often give to me a surprise.. Every IMGxxx support (GRT functionality) created in the disk become unuseful because in the b2d folder of Devices tab in the BE manager changes it's date from the real date to "01/01/1970 0:00:00"... But ... what does mean this odd thing? I've tried everything.. restart of services db check with Beutils.. db repair.. Recreation of folder on manager side... The bad thing is that I have to delete any b2d support after that issue comes! Done it, it creates supports dated correctly until it goes out of head once again!

I really don't know what to do further. I hope to find a useful help here. I'm thinking to try install BE 2010 but I wait for your advices.

Thank you.

Francesco B. B.

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Hi there,

have you looked at loading up the latest service pack and patches for Backup Exec 12.5?
there might be something there that clears up your issue.
I can only suspect you're getting the low disk space error as the date is totally out.
You don't have daylight savings where you are?


Level 3
Hi Craig, updating the app it's the first thing I've done to try fix the problems. Now it's SP3 with several hotfixes (those that fixed issues potentially linked to my environment).

The maximun amount of time it has been worked for was 2 weeks.. That was right after the updating to SP3.

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Did it work BEFORE SP3? If so, I would recommend downgrading back to SP2. I suspect you will have to uninstall the patches applied too.
Get your application stable, and then try again...

Level 3
Oh not at all!! Before SP3 upgrading and hotfix applying  the app was a disaster!! It was the reason why I have upgraded to SP3! Anyway, I casually found a trick that re-set IMG supports to the correct date. Performing a Catalog command on all supports in my B2D folder it someway repairs IMG supports properties. Obviosly this is a workaround to the problem. There's a question: When BE backups/duplicates something, it creates automatically catalogs of what it backup right? Is there no need to catalog manually?

Partner    VIP    Accredited
THe only time I would catalog would be:

1. an upgrade fails and you lose your DB, which means you have absolutely no information on your tapes etc. Catalogging would be the only way to get information into a new DB again!

2. If you have a tape/B2D which falls outside of your catalog retention time...if you tried to restore from the tape for example, it would then fail, telling you to catalog the tape first.

What sort of issues did you have before as a matter of interest? It MIGHT be an indication of your problems you are now having.

Level 3
Ok got it.. Anyway it adjusts someway supports dates/properties..

Before upgrading it frequently exited jobs with same errors that I have now. With the upgrade it began working well .. for two weeks. Without changing ANYTHING it began again with errors.

Errors are and was:

- While reading data network name is no more available (0xe00084c8) - (In the event viewer of my storage nothing strange)
- Unknown error on b2d folder (0xe00084f4 - Unknown error.)
- Insufficient disk space (often happens when it try to perform a deletion of old IMG supports)

This only happens with BD2 folder.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

So did you come right here?
If so, can you close off as a solution?
