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BE12 - Agent for Exchange 2003

Not applicable
I have separate backup and Exchange servers. Both are running on Win2000srv. I need to perform a remote backup of the Exchange server. During initial installation of BE12 (BE80 upgr.) I entered all my serials and quantity, including the single one for the Exch.agent. Now it seems as if this Exch.agent has been installed locally on the backup server. Shouldn't the Exchange agent be installed on the Exchange server ? I have tried the prescribed procedure for inst. remote agents, but it just does not give me any Exch. option. I have installed the EOFO agent on the Exch. server - this was the only option. I have added a Exchange backup-job to BE1, aiming to cover the remote Exchange server. All the Exchange options of the job properties was available (??)
The job is set to perform a complete backup of Exch.
The obvious question is : Will this backup procedure give the option of performing restore at single message level ?Message was edited by:

Level 6

With regards to your query, it seems that you have upgraded from backup Exec 8.x to 10.0. In order to backup and protect a remote exchange server, you need to have the exchange agent license installed on the local server and a remote agent installed on the remote exchange server. The exchange component is installed on th elocal server itself and contact through the remote agent in order to protect exchange server.

In order to be able to restore at a single message level, you will have to backup exchange's mailbox store but in order to protect the exchange server from a disaster recovery, you will need to backup the information store and the system state. For more information, please refer to the admin manual. You candownload the manual from the following link and refer from page no: 1141

Please refer to the following technote as an additional reference:


We hope this will help.


Level 6
Please let us know, if you have further queries.