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BE2010 - Exchange Backup fails: Error occured while creating or accessing a directory.

Level 3

Hey guys,

Im having trouble with our Exchange Backup (GRT Enabled) running on BE2010 rev 2896.
The job can run fine for a few days, then it fails with the following error:
Final error: 0xe0001203 - An error occurred while creating or accessing the directory specified for this operation. Check to make sure that the B2D folder and/or the temporary path specified for this operation are valid.
Final error category: Resource Errors
V-79-57344-4611 - An error occurred creating or accessing the directory \\.pdvfs\<BE-SERVERNAME>\2\BEData specified for this operation. Ensure that the directory is accessible and can be written to.
I am backing up three servers, and it fails on all of them. The errorlog provides a link, but that only refers to a restore problem. It also states that the problem was fixed in BE v12.
I have checked that all temp-folders exist and can be reached. The backup destination is a dedupe folder on a iscsi san. But i can browse through the iscsi disk without problems.
I've tried to both disable/enable the b2d folder, and restarted the BE server.

Any ideas where the problem lays?

Level 3

I think I've found a solution to this issue.

It turns out that I needed to configure the BE Agent on my vSphere Centre server as a Deduplication server. The option is under Devices, right click the backup media server and select Configure Remote Agent for Deduplication.

After configuring this and restarting the services I can successfully backup. I guess only time will tell if this is the resolution to the issue but so far so good.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

You would simply click the MARK AS SOLUTION button...

Level 3

I don't have a button that says Mark as Solution!

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Was yours the fix, or did anybody point you int he right direction?

Level 3

Plodded through myself and stumbled across it by accident after trying a million and one things.

A dialogue popped up after I created a new job that asked if I wanted to configure the agent for DD. I said yes, not really knowing what it had done. After checking the Devices I noticed the new server listed.

It still didn't work however, until all services had been restarted.

I've just successfully backed up all my VMs including Exchange 2010 R2 and AD servers.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...congrats, then the solution is yours. I just marked it for you.

Level 3


Level 2

Unfortunately this is not a solution if you have an Exchange 2010 DAG as you can't use client dedupe it has to be backup server based, try it and it will prompt you to change it back.

Effectively this means dedupe is still buggy and unuseable for a large propertion of Exchange users.


Level 3

Agreed. I need to hand the solution back.

There is a problem with this and the only way to ensure reliable backups is to avoid GRT. I now have an open support case which is being investigated. I'll post an update as soon as I hear anything.

Not applicable

Having the same Problem with BE2010 R2 and installed HF358289. Tried all tasks posted above without result.

Only recreating DeDup or/and restarting BE-Services seams to work for a few days but thats no solution.

Not applicable

Hi All,


We've recently purchased a complete solution from Dell. Have had issues which have actually got worse since upgrading to BE2010 R2. We not get a stop error at least once a day with a vast number of entries in the event log as per this port: PDVFS Error 5000.


Anyone else got anything else to try? We've had DeDupe recreated. We have hotfixes applied (Though I would have expected R2 to have had this included!!


Onward we tread..............

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Hi Jonesie,


Please open up a new forum query about this...

