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BEX 9.0/Win and two mssql$ instances

Level 2

I have a server which has recently had a second instance of the mssql runtimes installed for a cliet-server application (Sage Software's ACT 7.0 CRM).

This software adds a mssql$act service to the system (alongside BEX's built-in MSSQL$backupexec service). The two services coexist and function together no problem.

Since adding this service, backup jobs complete, but have exceptions on all the mssql$ related folders.

How can I back this server up properly in this scenario? I found KB article dicument ID 24674, but that mentions use of SQL server enterprise manager, which doesn't exst with just SQL runtimes installed.

Note: the machine only has SQL server redistributable runtimes instaslled - it does NOT have "full" MS SQL server installed, nor does the client own "full" SQL server.


Level 2
sorry, the KB article is 246744. Typo ;-0

Level 6
Hello Craig,
- Are the mssql$ related folders that are getting skipped, related to Backupexec sql instace?
- Do you get any explanation in the job log as to hwy the files were skipped?
- Any events or Error messages in the event logs concerning this?
- What backup type are you using? Under the general tab, as well as under SQL?
Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.

Level 2
- the skipped mssql$ folders are BOTH the backup exec instance AND the other instance.
- the log file just says "skipped" under exceptions and also under backup set detail information. Here's the list:

Unable to open the item C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\ACT\ACT for Win 7\Databases\ACT7Demo.ADF - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\ACT\ACT for Win 7\Databases\ACT7Demo.ALF - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$ACT7\Data\master.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$ACT7\Data\mastlog.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$ACT7\Data\model.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$ACT7\Data\modellog.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$ACT7\Data\tempdb.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$ACT7\Data\templog.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$BKUPEXEC\Data\master.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$BKUPEXEC\Data\mastlog.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$BKUPEXEC\Data\model.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$BKUPEXEC\Data\modellog.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$BKUPEXEC\Data\tempdb.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$BKUPEXEC\Data\templog.ldf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\bedb_dat.mdf - skipped.
Unable to open the item C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\bedb_log.ldf - skipped.

- windows event logs have nothing unusual in them generally speaking, and nothing related to this problem in specific.
- the backup type is "normal". SQL is greyed out - we don't have the SQL agent - this is not MS-SQL server, it's the SQL runtimes as bundled and installed by the application itself.

Level 6

Your databases are getting backdup successfull y there is no problem.
You can go ahead and exclude the sql database from c drive in the selection if he dos't wish to get these in the skipped files.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 2
I am sorry, but I cannot agree. If I go to do a restore, the files are simply not there (which you would assume if they are skipped).

I repeat, we DO NOT have the SQL module, so how, exactly, are these files bieng backed up?? Answer: they're NOT.

Level 6

** Note: The SQL MSDE database of Backup Exec is automatically backed up during the Database Maintenance (enabled by default). The Database Maintenance option is located under Tools | Options. The database file is dumped to a file named BEDB.bak in the \Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data directory.

Since these files are in use during backup you can either uncheck these files from the backup selection list or ignore these exceptions.

** As far as Sage Software's ACT 7.0 CRM backup is concerned, what is the ACT 7.0 CRM exactly? Is it a database? If this is not listed SCL, BE may or may not work with this database!

- You can also upgrade free of cost to v9.1:

Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.