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Back up failing due to corrupt data

Level 2
One of my backup did not run at all last night and when I tried to push the tape again this morning , it started backing up and finally I got an error message saying the back up failed due to corrupt data.
Database element - Corrupt
And its poiting to two Quick book files.
Now, this didn't happen on monday when it backed up. Why Veritas didn't look at those files on monday?
Cant these files be skipped and still a backup can be done without failing?
Please let me know if anyone has encountered similar problems? I greatly appreciate it.
Note: I did look at the knowledge base and they talked about editing registry etc.,
But, I am not sure how to address this issue.
Thanks in advance

Level 6
If no one had the files open overnight, but they are open this morning, that could cause the "Corrupt" warning

Level 2
If I run those backup on the designated scheduled time - overnight when no one is working, it should not fail.
So, can I just ignore this error message and get my tape drive checked instead because it not back up last night?

Level 6
Should woprk
Did the job not run at all?  no job log?
Any Active Alerts?
Any event log entries that may apply
From the Devices tab, everything started and ready?