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Backing Up E: and F: on same server at same time with different jobs using AOFO

Level 2
We have a server (with storage on a SANS) that has a 1.2 TB E: drive and .8 TB F: drive.  When doing full backups the didk to disk was not completed by Monday morning.
To try and get the backup to fit the window of time, we split the backup into 2 jobs.  Both jobs use the AOFO and one backs up E: and the other F:.
The problem we now have is that which ever job starts first (E: or F:) can successfulley snap the volume and use the AOFO, but the second one will not be able to with the example error shown below:
Its obvious that the issue is that there are two jobs runing at the same time on the server (but backing up different drives); but is there a way to correct this so it can run them both at the same time while using AOFO?