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Backing up Exchange 2003 with BE 2010 R2 X64 on Windows 2008

Not applicable

I am attempting to run full exchange backups on Saturday and then incrementals the rest of the week.  Full backups complete successfully, but when I attempt to run the differential I recieve the error: The backup exec agen for Microsoft Exchange was not used to create the last full backup of this database.  You must use the exchange agent to run a full backup before you run a differntial or incremental backup.  It appears the agent is being used though.

Family Name: "Media created 1/7/2012 1:41:40 AM"
Backup of "\\\Microsoft Information Store\SG1"
Backup set #7 on storage media #19
Backup set description: "seerver-SG1"
Backup Method: Full - Database & Logs (flush committed logs)
Microsoft Exchange Server Agent: Started


Unfortunately my BE server is Windows 2008 x64 and does not support installing the Exchange 2003 admin tools.  We have large storage groups and do not have a large enough window to run a full backup nightly even if we had infininte stroage space available.  I attempted to backup multiple SG at once in seperate jobs, but the disk I/O was reported as too high and the 2nd+ job failed instantly. I recieved Backup job name: The job failed with the following error: A failure occurred querying the Writer status. I applied patch 940349 to exchange, but contine to recieve the error if more than one SG is attempted to be backed up at a time.

Click an error below to locate it in the job log




V-79-57344-65233 - AOFO: Initialization failure on: "\\\Microsoft Information Store...
Snapshot provider error (0xE000FED1): A failure occurred querying the Writer status.

Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.

Writer Name: Exchange Server, Writer ID: {76FE1AC4-15F7-4BCD-987E-8E1ACB462FB7}, Last error: The VSS...

Any suggestions are appreciated?  We are in the process of building an Exchange 2010 environment...just need a couple months


Level 6
Partner Accredited

You must use the exchange agent to run a full backup before you run a differntial or incremental backup

Your incremental job must use the same selection list as FULL backup job.

If not, you will get the error mentioned.

   VIP    Certified

When you backup Exchange, you should turn of AOFO.

Partner    VIP    Accredited might also want to try a restart of the server in question as this will reset the VSS writers.

If you run: vssadmin list writers from a command prompt, all writers must be stable and running.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

If you see any Event ID 9840 or 9607, look at