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Backup Error 0xe0008488 on Single Exchange Mailbox

Level 3
Hi, I have an exchange 2000 server and running backup exec 10.1. All of the mailboxes in the information store backup without errors except for one.

That one kicks back the messages...

V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.
Access denied to file Lastname, Firstname BlackBerryHandheldInfoBlackBerryMsgOnDeviceSearchFolderFw: Message Subject.

In the backup detail information I see...

Access denied to file LastName, Firstname BlackberryHandheldInfoBlackBerryMsgOnDeviceSearchFolderFw: Message Subject.
The item \\ServerName\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Lastname, Firstname BlackBerryHandheldInfoBlackBerryMsgOnDeviceSearchFolder(lots of open boxes) Fw: Message Subject in use - skipped.
V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied.

Now, all of my other users are fine, and i checked the security on this users account and compared against others. The security is fine as well.

Has anyone seen this before and is there a fix?


Level 6

This could occur while backing up Exchange mailbox if a corrupt file or a corrupt attachment is present in the mailboxes.For test purpose try excluding them from the backup and verify the results.

Also, for test purpose stop all the Anti-Virus Software and non-essential third party software's during the backup job and verify the results. The files may be locked by the softwares making them unavailable for backup


Level 3
Thanks! I've just set the exclude and will run it tonight. I'll let you know tomorrow how it went.

Level 3
Partial Fix!

Ok, I was able to fix a portion of the error...

The Top of Information Store - refers to the inbox folders that I can see and go into. I was able to delete the corrrupt items and resolve their access denied messages.

on the BlackBerryHandheldInfo folders, How can I get into them to delete individual items? I can exclude the whole thing on the backup job to clear the error but thats not a good fix. Does anyone have a tool to crack that folder open via outlook or whatever so that I can delete the individual items causing the access denied?


Level 6

Kindly refer the following Documents:

"How to confirm that an Exchange mailbox name is unique within the Exchange organization when configuring Backup Exec to back up Exchange "

Thank You,


Level 3
Thanks Shweta, but none of those items are of help. As I've stated I can reach into and backup that entire mailbox.

So, It's 100% not hidden since the user is active as well. 2. The permissions are correct since the backup works on the mailbox and 70 others. 3. The mailbox name is unique.

This issue is solely with two corrupt emails in the blackberry folders that i'd like to be able to get into to delete so the entire backup does not show failed because of the access denied on it.

Level 6

-- The Emails that are showing as Corrupt, are they seen in that particular mailbox?

-- Is there any Antivirus running Durning the backup?

Thank You,


Level 3
No antivirus interferring with the job.

The emails showing as corrupt are part of the individual mailbox as a hidden folder. This part of the blackberry mailbox attributes... ie... something the blackberry enterprise server adds to exchange mailboxes to communicate.

Level 6

1. From the Job Setup tab, right-click on the backup job for which the error occurred
2. Select Properties
3. Select the Selections option
4. Under the View format option, select Text
5. Locate and delete all references to the directory which lead to the error

