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Backup Exec 10.1 back up jobs stay queued

Level 3

I am attempting to get backup exec 10.1 (SP3) running with a dell tape drive.  Every single backup that I start goes into a queued state and stays there until I cancel it.  I have done massive amounts of research and NOTHING has seemed to do the trick, so I'm wondering if anyone has any other ideas or maybe I'm missing something.

What I have tried:

-verify server isn't paused (it's not)
-verify veritas drivers are being used
-reboot server
-reinstall backup exec
-backup to disk (opposed to tape)
-start backup, disable tape causing the job to fail, reenable tape
-running an inventory while backup job is running (which interestingly enough, if i cancel the backup job, the inventory will go into running, but just stays there like that - no percent completed ever shows)
-tried different tapes in the tape drive
-disable and completly remove tape, stop services, restart services allowing it to detect the tape again
-stop/start services

Now, i backup a SQL database nightly to this same tape drive via sql management studio and this backup works fine. 

With backup exec, all the jobs do is sit in queued.

Anyone have any ideas?



Level 6
So SQL can write to the drive. If you shut down all BackupExec services, does NTBackup see and use the drive OK?
Have you removed the drive from the Devices Tab, booted and re-installed it? (you may have to edit you jobs to point to a new device name) ?  Oh you say that you have
Are you using the Veritas drivers?  have you tried the mfg drivers?

Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 01-24-2008 01:56 PM

Level 3
yes, NTbackup can see the drive.

Yep, I did try to remove the drive and re-add it - no change.

I am using veritas drivers.  I have not tried to use any other drivers. 

Level 6
One more thing to check
You made sure that the BackupExec server was not paused,  Did you verify that the device itself is not paused?

Level 3
just checked that now.  Neither are paused.

Level 6
We checked everything that I can think of
Since v10 is still within it's product life,  you may be down to opening an incident with Symantec  Smiley SadSmiley Mad

Level 3
hmph, ok.  Well thanks for the help anyways.  If anyone else checks this and has ideas, its appreciated.

Level 3
i just did another check..

while a backup job was in the 'queued' state, i disabled the device.  The status of the job then moved over to 'device paused' which means it has to be communicating with the device.  Just FYI.

Level 3
also, this may or may not be of note... if i look in job setup and highlight the job, the option for "Test Run" is greyed out.