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Backup Exec 10D for Windows Servers

Level 2
OS-Windows Server 2003
Our jobs keep going on hold. All of the services are started.
There are no alerts explaining why the jobs are going on hold.
There are no events in the event viewer showing anything related to this problem.
Has anyone had a problem similar to this?

Level 4
Not too much info here from your side.

Is the tapedrive online?
Did you rename the drive and are the jobs not running to the proper device?
Are Mediasets configured correctly?

Level 6

Since when does the problem occur? What are you backing up in this job? Are you backing up to a tape or a backup-to-disk folder?

Does this happen with all the backup jobs or just a few of them?
Revert with details.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 2
The tape drive is online. We have some jobs that backup to drives and some jobs that backup to media. Both types of jobs are being put on hold. All of the scheduled jobs for that day go on hold. All the media are labeled and configured correctly. The jobs were working fine since January and all of the sudden this started happening. Its not every day, but it has happened in the last week. Nothing has changed that we are aware of.

Level 6

When did this issue start occuring?

Did it occur after changes due to day light saving?

Please see the technote:


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 2
This first happened on April 11th and happened again on April 13th. It has not happened again since then so I guess it might just be one of those unexplained incidents.

Level 6
Hello Kenneth,
Do you mean the Problem is solved?


Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked �assumed answered� and would be moved to �answered questions� pool.


Level 2
I guess so. Its been half a month since its happened so I'm not going to worry about it until it happens again. Thanks everyone for the help!