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Backup Exec 11d B2D to network drive

Level 3

I'm trying to setup a B2D for a user to a network drive.  Unfortunately when it runs, it just sits in queued state and never runs.  I've read various other posts about using the UNC path and switching off Auto Detect in Advanced options, both of which I have done.

Looking in Devices, the folder constantly flashes up 'In Use' and then off again.  It's created the bkf file and see the lck file pop up and disappear as well.

Can anyone advise please.


Level 3

One note, inventory works fine

   VIP    Certified

You should check that the networked drive is compatible with the version of BE that you are using.  Search for the Hardware Compatibility List for your version of BE in the Knowledge Base.

Level 3

Just checked the drive via it's web config page and it's a Freecom 250Gb Network HD.  I would of thought that the fact it inventories ok, it would be seeing it and run to it but I'm guessing not.

It's not listed in the HCL, but then the HCL also says that any disk that Windows recognises should work

Level 4

What are you backing up to the device ?

Uncheck the option "Allocate the maximum size for Backup-To-Disk files" on the B2D folder properties window if

any and then try the backup again.

Refer :


Hope this helps

Level 3

ok just created another folder again using UNC.  It flashed up quickly 'in use' then went again, still sat queued

Level 4

On the backup server:

1. Go to \Program Files\Symantec\Backup exec\  directory and launch SGMON.exe

on left hand side select  options : Device and Media, Job engine, RAWS

Select the last option "Capture to file" as well.

2. once you start this active debug monitor, run the backup job again and wait for a few minutes in queued mode.

3. close SGMON.exe and go to \Program Files\Symantec\Backup exec\logs directory.

you will find the log file with name <ur_server_name>.sgmon.log

4. attach that log file on this post to review.


Level 3

ok, it's showing the following

acquired device TEST
trying to mount appending volume
unable to mount appending volume, attempting scratch mount
reusable media being created, retying scratch mount
reusable media being created, retying scratch mount
unable to scratch mount, will retry append later
unable to mount, error 0xE000810C



Level 4

What is the Append period and overwrite protection period settings of the Media set that you have used in the backup job?

In B2D folder properties what is the size of BKF file set too? A screenshot if possible wud be great !

Could you also please attach a screenshot of the Job properties window, with device and media tab selected.

Also, try the following if it works:

1. create a local B2D folder and run a small backup to it like 1mb.

2. cut & paste the original B2D***.bkf file from the actual drive folder into the remote drive folder where you have changer.cfg and folder.cfg files.

3. perform a inventory on the remote B2D folder in order to detect that bkf file in BE and then perform the again to it.

Level 3

ok maximum size is 1gb and I'm only backing a folder of 60mb.

Tested the theory of copying the bkf file over and running an inventory.  Would you expect the bkf file to show up for the B2D folder once the inventory is done?  Because it isn't

Level 4

I think if inventory was sucessful then the bkf file should have been detected, which is not in your case. So there should be some execption in the inventory job?

my suggestion to you is perform this B2D test tool :

Hope this is helpful.

Level 3


everything passed. 

Volume Information
Warning - No persistent ACL support on this volume

Reparse Points
Warning - Reparse points not supported on appliance

Spare Files
Warning - Sparse files not supported on appliance


Stopped at the moment on Default B2D Configuration


Level 4

Interesting! Are there any events in the windows events logs?

There should be some errors like "An error occurred processing the B2D file.." or so.