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Backup Exec 12.5 SP3 and Exchange 2007 SP2

Level 3
Hi everybody!

I have a problem with Exchange 2007 storage groups here.

My environment is:

1) Backup Exec Server: Windows 2008 x64, Backup Exec Server 12.5 SP3 with latest hotfixes, Exchange 2007 Management Tools installed and updated to SP2, CDO are also installed. Netbios name is "blah-blah-dc1". The domain name is
2) Remote Agent: Windows 2008 x64, Microsoft Exchange 2007 SP2, Backup Exec remote agent was push-installed from backup exec server, CDO are installed. Netbios name is "blah-blah-es1". The domain name is

My problem is that when i am trying to backup Exchange 2007 databases i dont see the "right" databases. I mean that storage groups are named "balh-blah-es1 Mailbox Storage Group" for mailboxes with the only one database named "Mailbox database" and "blah-blah-es1 Public Folder Storage Group" with the only one database named "Public Folder Database".

But what i see in Backup Exec when trying to back up the Exchange Server is completely different and i dont seem to understand why.
The following two screenshots are made several minutes ago:

(click on images to see fullsize)

As you can see from screenshots i have two storage groups: 1. "<blank-name>" 2. "<net-bios name of my Exchange server>"

In each storage group i have two databases: 1. "u" (i wonder what is that) 2. "<FQDN-name of Exchange server>"

Ok, i tryed to back them up with no luck... I always got message that says that one or several databases are dismounted and backup cannot continue...

Looking forward to your help, because i have been trying to make this work for about two weeks by this moment.

Level 3
Anyone? Nobody knows the answer? 

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Hi Pavel,

Have you looked into removing the Exchange license, and then readding it before pushing out the RAWS agent (assuming the Exchange server is a remote server)?

Level 3
Actually no. As i see it now i should uninstall RAWS on remote Exchange server, delete license key for Exchange Agent from Media Server, then readd license key for Exchange Agent to Media Server once again and then install RAWS on remote Exchange Server again? Is that right?

BTW, Exchange Server is a virtual hyper-v machine running on the same server where Backup Exec Media Server is installed. Does that matter somehow? 

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Hi Pavel,

Try that first and then we can take a look at further options.
Is BEWS even supported as a Hyper-V server?

Not applicable
Hello Pavel,

I've the same issue since one month. My Exchange server was backup from one years without any problems. After installing some Exchange or Windows update on Exchange server, the backup Exec Agent crash when backup start, I've decided to install the last BackupExec Service pack and hotfix. After that I can't see my Information store correctly in BackupExec:


I've tried to install all version of backupexec agent 12.5 (sp1, sp2, sp3 with and without hot fix...), I've installed Exchange 2007 SP2 on BEWS and Exchange server but nothing solve this issue.

My config is:

Exchange 2007 Enterprise SP2
Windows 2008 Server Std 64 Bit
Physical sever HP Proliant

BackupExec 12.5 SP3
Windows 2003 Std
Physical sever HP Proliant

For the moment I use Windows server backup to backup my Echange but I hope somebody find a solution soon.

Level 3
Well, i did the following:

1) Uninstalled RAWS from remote virtual Windows 2008 with Exchange 2007 SP2 installed
2) Deleted Exchange Agent serial key from Backup Exec for Windows System
3) Then added the same serial key for Exchange Agent on Backup Exec for Windows System
4) Push-installed RAWS on remote Exchange 2007 server. I have installed advanced disk open option if that matters

Still have the same issue...

What is the next move?

Partner    VIP    Accredited
Maybe look at logging a call with Symantec, and then post the details here...