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Backup Exec 2010 export job logs

Level 2

For auditing purposes we save all our job history logs as mht documents to a network share, that means every day, logging into all of our backup servers, opening every new job log, clicking save as etc.

It would seem like exporting multiple job logs at once would be a fairly straight forward feature but I'm not able to find anything that would do this for me. is there a way to automate this or do it programatically?


Level 6
Employee Accredited


 Unfortunately what youve described doing is whats recomended view doc below

I dont know of any way to automate this process. If you have email notifications configured you could however have the email of the job completion inlude the job log. this would allow you to save all completed job logs from the previous evening by opening and saving out the attachments from the emails from the single email  address rather than loging into multiple backup servers to do so. 

The document bellow details how to go about configuring email notifications


I hope this is helpful