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Backup Exec Agent on a Ghost Solution Suite Server

Not applicable

I'm having an issues with my Ghost Solution Suite Server after I remotely installed a Backup Exec Agent on it.
The server now at startup prior to login displays the following error message:

Symantec Ghost Configuration Server
08001 [Sybase][ODBCDriver][Adaptive Server Anywhere]
Database Server not found

Also it corrupted my user profile after pushing the client. There were no initial issues until I rebooted the server.

Could someone point me in the right direction in regards to resolving this issue.

thank you,


Level 6
Perhaps the port the BE agent uses, is the same as something in the Ghost suite?

I'd start by logging into the server in a profile no affected, and uninstall the agent.  Reboot, and see if the Ghost suite is working again.

Then try a manual install running the respective RAWS32 or RAWS64 agent.