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Backup Exec for SBS 2k8 is Buggy

Level 3
I know other people are experiencing issues. Here is the first bug i want to report. Create a backup with the back up wizzard. Save it, schedule it and then try and change it. You will note that when you goto the selection area. None of your selections are there. Thats Bug # 1

Bug number 2 After installing product Live update wont detect that you have the product installed.

Bug number 3 Trying to fix live update breaks live update for endpoint!!

Bug number 4 Trying to edit the backup job you created with the wizzard also looses the devices you create in the media wizzard.

WTF Symantec, are you trying to get everyone fired? 1) For recomending the product! 2) For setting admins up for failure when they cant restore a job that is submitted?

Lets get these bugs fixed damit.

I want to add I have another site running 12.5 under SBS 2k3 32 bit and it is fine. Seems its only SBS 2k8 version thats buggy.

Level 3
Backup Exec 12.5 for Windows Servers revision 2213 Hotfix 317436 - 64bit download

Yes as i said before, create a job, and then go back in and edit it. I can tell you that you will find that the stuff you selected to be backed up has disappeared.

Back up software has to be solid. You dont know the arguments I had to get this product in another site that had 20 servers. They had arcserve, they were 2 revs behind, they needed agents on all the servers including exchange and sql. They had a beautiful tape drive lto 3 changer with 24 tapes.

We then figured out what they needed for the upgrade to arcserve, then we figured out what they needed for symantec. Symantec won based on cost, luckily for me the main server is 32bits so i probably wont go through what i did with 64 bit version.

When you think about what a disaster recovery package is, its basically 2 parts,

1) its a database that tells you what was backed up, and allows you to select what you want to restore.
2) its a device mgr that manages the servers and backup devices.

It is ESSENTIAL that this is working solid! It also should be easy to setup. None of the products out there are products are easy.

When i was a Netware Admin for a large company, I used to say "Its not who has the best backup software, its who sucks the least"
Symantec recently sucked the least! til now.... remains to be seen.