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Backup Exec job engine system service is not responding

Level 3
Upgraded from Backup Exec for Win 9 to 10 and since then

I get the below error everytime the backup is runs by itself or I do a test run. If I manually run it - it seems to work !

The job failed with the following error: The Backup Exec job engine system service is not responding.

I have attached errorr log


Diagnostic results have been removed.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Please do NOT post license numbers in cleartext in this open forum !!!
Please edit your posting .

I'll come back to this afterwards



Level 6

Do not post any confidential information in this forum.

- To troubleshoot this error, check for media alerts.
- Also refer the following technote and verify your drive configuration. Your tape as per the diagnostics shown is on SCSI id 6. Please change the id to anything between 2 and 5.

Verify the results.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
Yes, I have checked for media alerts. I am not trying to use the tape drive at all. Although I had done so before. I am trying to backup to some Iomega REV DISKS. shared over the network. Backup to disk.

Jon engine keeps stopping by itself. No media alerts.

TestRun 00026 -- The job failed with the following error: Job failed running its test run. See logfile for details.

FILE SERVER -- The job failed with the following error: The Backup Exec job engine system service is not responding.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
if manually started jobs do work and scheduled do not, what happens if you e.g. create a run now testjob of a few files to disk. If that works, edit this job setup to be scheduled to run in about 10 minutes.
What happens ? Does the scheduled job run as well.

Try to create a regular backup to disk folder locally on the BE server. (not a removable one)
Do a manual and a scheduled testbackup of lokal files to this folder.
Any changes to the problem ?



Level 3
Run now testjob works fine both on a new job backing up just one folder or on the job I'm trying to run. both works nicely.

Schedule does not run.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
can you run a database repair (beutility) and verify whether this changes anything ?


Level 3
I see these often, even when the media is overwritable

Media Capacity CheckDevice : FILE1-REV35Online append capacity : 3,158 MBOnline overwrite capacity: 36,065 MBTotal append capacity : 28,609 MBTotal overwrite capacity : 485,397 MBCapacity check status : FailedMiscellaneous :

Media CheckOnline media check : Media is online or nearline to start job.Overwrite media check: There is media online or nearline that can be overwritten.Media check status : Success

Level 3

checked db for consistency - done

I've done the following before ,and it did the same error as shown below. However when I stop services manually and do a repair it works. I then start services again !

this might give you some clue

Starting database repair.
Stopping Services
Stopping services for server:EFACS.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecJobEngine failed to stop.
Error: (1051) - A stop control has been sent to a service that other running services are dependent on.

Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecRPCService failed to stop.
Error: (1051) - A stop control has been sent to a service that other running services are dependent on.

Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecDeviceMediaService failed to stop.
Error: (1051) - A stop control has been sent to a service that other running services are dependent on.

Stopping Services for server EFACS completed with errors.
Starting Services
Database repair for server EFACS ended with errors.

Level 3
Starting database repair.
Stopping Services
Stopping services for server:EFACS.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecJobEngine stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecRPCService stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecDeviceMediaService stopped successfully or was not running.
Stopping services for server EFACS completed.
Performing repair for BEDB database.
Starting Services
Starting services for server:EFACS.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecDeviceMediaService started successfully.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecRPCService started successfully.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecJobEngine started successfully.
Starting services for server EFACS completed.
Database repair for server EFACS completed.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
There is only one more thing I can tell you from the distance.
Dump the existing database through beutility.
save that dump file (bedb.bak)

use beutility to recover the database and start from scratch.
This generates an empty database.
create a backup to disk folder and do the test backups.

If they work, think about starting from scratch.
If they still have the same problem, recover back the old database (beutility - recover from backup)

From this point, I am afraid I would advise to open a call with VERITAS support or your domestic vendor.



Level 3
What difference does it make that you respond to a question in this format or over the phone, excpet that we have to pay for support ?

Can you please help me sort this problem, as the company is not willing to pay for this.

Level 3
Did a dump. Trying to recover from base. I get this error.

Starting database recovery.
Stopping Services
Stopping services for server:EFACS.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecJobEngine stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecRPCService stopped successfully or was not running.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecDeviceMediaService stopped successfully or was not running.
Stopping services for server EFACS completed.
Performing database recovery for BEDB database.
Starting Services
Starting services for server:EFACS.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecDeviceMediaService started successfully.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecRPCService failed to start.
Server:EFACS, Service:BackupExecJobEngine failed to start.
Error: (1068) - The dependency service or group failed to start.

Starting services for server EFACS completed.
Database recovery for server EFACS ended with errors.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
problem seem to be the services not stopping correctly.

Check their relations - try bestop.bat whether this works.

Try the recovery from scratch after you have manually stopped the services.

If the error still exists, check the services - and in the last case...

save a copy of bedb.bak, and all your catalogues, do a complete uninstall of BE 10. reboot and do a blanc installation.

Test if this blanc installation works - if yes, recover the database through beutility by supplying the bedb.bak you have saved before the uninstall.
(do not forget to move back the catalog files.)



Level 3
I will do this overnight. Please do NOT close the question or assume answered. I WILL come back to report results ASAP.

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Mal, I can't close this .. I am a customer same as you.

good luck tonight.



Level 3
Ooops. I thought it is Veritas Customer Support who is helping their customers out on this forum. Or at least that is what veritas said to me ! when I refused to go for the paid option.

I am installing BE 10 on aWin2K3 server, a new instllation. Hopefully this will work.

thanks a lot for your help


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified
Mal, most of the feedback you'll get here will come from other BE users and consultants.
VERITAS is monitoring the forum and is giving lots of tips here. They can not answer all the threads here.
All VERITAS employees will be marked with the little blue VERITAS logo (V for VERITAS) in front of their name ( like Amruta on 21.06.05 here in this thread).
All other signs (like the yello smily etc.) are none VERITAS forum members.



Level 6

Have you installed BE v10.0 on Windows 2003 server?
Is the problem persists?

Please update us on this issue.

We also suggest you to contact our voice support, So that our technical representatives will assist you and will help you to troubleshoot this problem.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.Message was edited by:
Deepali Badave

Not applicable
I had this same issue. After reading so many posts and checking the database with no luck I figured I may as well remove the catalog files and try to restart the Job Engine.


Remove your catalogs c:\prgran files\veritas\backup exec\nt\catalogs

I then copied my latest catalogs back into the original catalogs directory and restarted services. Apparently my latest catalogs are not corrupt. Best of luck.