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Backup Exec not backing up Exchange 2010: Error E0009B61

Level 3

Hey all,

   I've got an... interesting problem I've been battling the last couple days. I have an Exchange 2010 server on Win 2008 R2 Standard, with the latest BE Remote and the Exchange Agent installed. Running Backup Exec 2010 R2 on a separate Win 2008 R2 server in a separate domain.

   Every time I run the backup job, it fails immediately (5-6 seconds) with "The logon account that was provided does not have valid credentials." and error code E0009B61. I can't find any information on this error online.

  I've validated the credentials, re-installed the RAWS and applied all updates, re-created the job, but still I just get this error. File backups on the server work fine, but neither the mailbox database nor the public folder database get backed up.

  I've tried to parse the Debug Monitor output, but I can't find any relevant entries that pinpoint why the error is actually happening. I've attached the log below.

  Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Partner    VIP    Accredited

Hi Itchy,


I take it that account has delegated rights to Exchange which is what would be required? Have you set up that same account from the domain your Exchange server is in on your media server?




   VIP    Certified

Do you have the Exchange 2010 Management Tools installed on your media server?

Level 5

Hi ,


As you said your exchange & Media server are in different domain , I beleive the account used by you to backup exchange would be  added in group called Organization Management & Public folder managaement if not please add that user in those 2 group mention above & apart from that , the user should have domain admin & local admin rights on that exchange server.


Also the user should have active mailbox


After doing that do gpupdate /force on exchange server & then restart the services on both exchange & media server for backupexec & then let me know if backup is working or not

(Also let me know if exchange is in DAG or it is single exchange server 2010 now & also is there any trust between 2 domain )


Thank You

Level 3

Hey all,

   I apologize; I thought I had subscribed to replies, but I never got any notifications that people had posted. To answer your questions:

  • Craig: Yes, the account I'm using has the appropriate permissions in Exchange. It's not a trusted domain, but I have specified the domain\user info for the backup job. If I "test credentials" in the job properties (or selection list), it validates successfully, just the actual job fails.
  • pkh: No, I don't have the Exchange Management Tools installed on the BE Media Server. But, this is a hosted environment, and I'm able to perform Exchange 2010 backups for other non-trusted domains with no problem. It's just this one server that's giving me grief.
  • Sammy: Yes, I've added the account to Organization Management (no Public Folders in this org), and I am able to perform all Exchange administrative tasks with it. It's also a local admin on the Exchange server. I think I tried giving the user an active mailbox at one point just to test, but I will try it again now to be sure. It's not a trusted domain, and it's a single Exchange server with Hub, CAS, and Mailbox installed.

I will try Sammy's suggestions just to confirm, but as I said, I've used this exact same config for other servers, and the "Test Credentials" features reports "successful". I'm stumped, and I unfortunately can't reload Exchange because the customer is already using it.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions, any other ideas are welcome :)