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Backup Exec not starting when server starts

Level 2

Hello all,


Recently, I had some server downtime, due to Microsoft updates. When I brought the server back up the next morning, I received an error message stating that one or more services may not have started. Found out that was Backup Exec 10d on my server. I am trying to figure out why it stopped and why it will not restart.

I get this error when i try to restart the service...

Starting Backup Exec Job Engine on APPSRV.
Error starting the service Backup Exec Job Engine on APPSRV.
The dependency service or group failed to start.

Starting Backup Exec Agent Browser on APPSRV.
Error starting the service Backup Exec Agent Browser on APPSRV.
The service did not start due to a logon failure.

Start services on server APPSRV completed.
Processing services completed!


Not like we're getting good and full backups anyway. I have a couple of temp files  and a config file that make it so my backup completes with errors, and I cannot find anything online to help me with that solution either.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Employee Accredited Certified

Well the first error is stating the a service cannot start that the Job Engien requires in order to run - so use the Windows servcies applet against the Backup Exec Job Engine to check the dependencies and then use that list to check what hasn't started.

The second one is a log-on failure implying that someone has changed the credentials and not correctly updated the credentials for the service - it is possible that this second one (or a similar problem on another service) is the cause of the first one

Level 2

Also getting a 1069 and 1069 error when I try to restart the services manually.

Partner    VIP    Accredited



Is the SQL service for BE started up? Have you tried to create a new account on your domain with the same priviledges as your current BE service account, and then giving making that the BESA within BE? If you don't know how too, check the link below:

If this part works, just use that account.

For your other error where your jobs aren't completing correctly, you can open up your selection list and put in an exclusion for the files causing the issue, or license and turn on AOFO if you don't have it.
