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Backup Failure - Access to a device was not authorized .....

Level 3
Ive just recently upgraded all of our servers from the previous version of Veritas Backup Exec 9.1 to version 10.0.

I am now receiving the following errors.

License Violation
A Remote Agent for Windows Servers license is required for protecting remote servers with this edition of Backup Exec.
Please contact your vendor for information on protecting remote servers with this edition of Backup Exec.
Access to the device \\SERVER\C: is not authorized with this edition of the product.
License Violation
A Remote Agent for Windows Servers license is required for protecting remote servers with this edition of Backup Exec.
Please contact your vendor for information on protecting remote servers with this edition of Backup Exec.
Access to the device \\SERVER\Shadow?Copy?Components is not authorized with this edition of the product.

This seems relatively odd, because I have infact installed remote licenses to the other remote servers. We are not running SQL server, just MSDE.

I have read this article ....

And have checked against our existing jobs, we do not infact have BKUPEXEC instance listed anywhere in the jobs?

Does this error indicate that it is necessary to install the Backup Exec MSSQL Agent License? I have also confirmed that the remote agent services on the remote servers are running. All show version 10.

I am yet to restart the remote servers. Is this necessary to ensure correct backup functionality?

JohnMessage was edited by:

Level 6
Partner Accredited
Usually get these errors if no Remote Agent licenses are installed in BE.

Check Help, About, License Information - you should see Remote Agent for Windows servers - Installed Yes, Licensed Yes.

Level 3
Err, the remote licenses are installed to the remote servers are they not?

I had assumed that the remote licensing was not necessary on the main BE server?


Level 3
Remote agent for windows servers is listed as installed and active.


Level 6
Partner Accredited
Are you able to go in and create a new job and successfully select the servers you want to backup?

All serial numbers on installed on the BE media server. You can check the exact numbers you have installed by going into Tools, Serial Numbers and Installation - click on next a couple of times until it brings you to the serial number screen - you should have at least 1 Remote Agent for Windows Serial number installed.

Level 3
Gday John,
As a way of isolating and potentially identifying the problem, yesterday I installed an SQL agent license on the server. Without making any changes, I then ran the same backup task and it completed without error.

I tried this as the original error message suggested that it was an MSDE SERVER/SQLBKUPEXEC issue.

Funny thing is, were using MSDE and not a full copy of SQL SERVER.

All licenses check out ok.

Any suggestions?


Level 6
Partner Accredited

When you installed the SQL agent license, it also gives you the ability to backup remote computers ie. C: D: system state.

SQL agent is also needed to backup MSDE databases whilst they are online.

How many licenses do you have installed on the BE server? Go into Tools, Serial Numbers and installation.
Also what kinds of licenses do you have - don't post the serial numbers here though - just the names of the licenses you have installed.

Level 3
Hello again John.

I hope you can follow this. L stands for license, I for installed.

Backup Exec for Windows Servers L - Yes I - Yes
Intelligent Disaster Recovery Option L - Yes I - Yes
Agent for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 L - Yes I - Yes
Robotic Library Support L - Yes I - Yes
Tivoli Storage Manager Option L - Yes I - No
Agent for Microsoft SQL Server L - Yes I - Yes
Remote Agent for Windows Server L - Yes I - Yes
Copy Server Configurations L - Yes I - No
Backup Exec 8.x and 9.x for Unix L - Yes I - Yes
SBS - Library Expansion Option L - Yes I - No
Managed Media Server L - Yes I - No

As already mentioned we did not originally purchase an SQL agent license for this server. The license listed above was for another server, I just installed it to troubleshoot the problem. I havent installed it yet on the other server.

It appears the backups are now functioning. Actually come to think of it, one of the remote servers is also running MSDE, its a citrix server.

I have checked the backup job itself and do not see any MSDE instances listed.

I guess the question here is .."Do you require an SQL Agent license to backup MSDE also or not?"


Level 6
Partner Accredited

What could have happened, and have seen this a few times - when you added the SQL agent license key it in some ways enabled the other agents licenses properly.

It's good that it is working though - I spose the big test would be when you take out the SQL agent license key.

and yes a SQL agent license is required to backup MSDE database with BE whilst the databases are online.

Level 3
Ok, Ive just uninstalled the sql agent license and am now running a full backup. If this doesnt work I assume that I will be required to stop any MSDE related services on all servers in the backup job?


Level 3
Well it turns out that the backups actually failed after having removed the sql agent.

Ive re-installed the agent and hopefully we wont have any further problems.

Thanks for your help John.

For those asking.."msde or a full copy of sql server?"

MSDE only, the free version. Seems we needed the sql agent after all.
