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Backup Hangs on SQL Backup

Level 3

Hey, I have a problem I cannot find any information on.  When I run a backup on my SQL server which is also my Backup Exec Server, it hangs when trying to backup the SQL Databases.  These databases are over 10GB, and logged continually in the Event Logs is 57345 EventID, but each one has different messages.


Current DbTimeoutValue=300 


Database Exception Context:m_QueryTimeoutInSeconds=300 sql={CALL dbo.[AutoClearAlert](?,?,?)} Error:-536837662: :: -2147217871:Timeout expired :: DB Error Set 0: native=0xffffffff source=Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server hr=0x80040e31 Timeout expired


BeServer lost connection to the database.  Some operations may not work properly 


BeServer has reestablished connection to the database. 


These messages just repeat over and over again, eventually making it so the system will not even respond to a ping!  It's horrible.  I hope someone can help.