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Backup Successful but.....This backup set may not contain any data

Level 2

I have a very large server that due to time constraints I built several backup jobs to get backups to complete in one night. 

4 of the backups work fine (a, d, f, i), 5 of the backups do not backup any of the data(b, c, e, g, h) , it only backups the folders.  The jobs states the backup is successful but the backup set contains no data. 

Backup Exec version 12 SP2

Server Windows 2003 SP2 , FRS (File Replication Service) server for remote locations

Selection lists from all 9 jobs

Selection list name: MADFRS01 a
Selection list description:  C:\ *.*

C:\*.* /SUBDIR
C:\temp\*.* /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE

Selection list name: MADFRS01 b
Selection list description:  d:\backups\Sauk\shares\creative

D:\Backups\Sauk\Shares\Creative\*.* /SUBDIR

Selection list name: MADFRS01 c
Selection list description:  d:\backups\Sauk\(everything else)

D:\Backups\Sauk\*.* /SUBDIR
D:\Backups\Sauk\Shares\Creative\*.* /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE

Selection list name: MADFRS01 d
Selection list description:  d:\Backups\Apopka, Australia, Bentonville, Civate 

D:\Backups\Apopka\*.* /SUBDIR
D:\Backups\Australia\*.* /SUBDIR
D:\Backups\Bentonville\*.* /SUBDIR
D:\Backups\Brussels\*.* /SUBDIR
D:\Backups\Civate\*.* /SUBDIR

Selection list name: MADFRS01 e
Selection list description:  d:\Backups\Riverton

D:\Backups\Riverton\*.* /SUBDIR

Selection list name: MADFRS01 f
Selection list description:  d:\Backups\Mexico, Osseo 

D:\Backups\Mexico\*.* /SUBDIR
D:\Backups\Osseo\*.* /SUBDIR
D:\Backups\Riverton\*.* /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE

Selection list name: MADFRS01 g
Selection list description:  D:\Backups\Shanghi
D:\Backups\Shanghai\*.* /SUBDIR

Selection list name: MADFRS01 h
Selection list description:  d:\Backups\Wausau 

D:\Backups\Wausau\*.* /SUBDIR

Selection list name: MADFRS01 i
Selection list description:  d:\(Everything Else) 
D:\*.* /SUBDIR
D:\Backups\*.* /SUBDIR /EXCLUDE


Message from job log

Server -
AOFO: Started for resource: "\\\D:". Advanced Open File Option used: Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP).
AOFO: Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP) snapshot cache file settings for volume "D:" : Initial: 0 MB. Maximum: 12665 MB. File: "\\?\Volume{8ed31705-0a3a-11dd-9e51-806e6f6e6963}\Backup Exec AOFO Store\_BEVspCacheFile_138.VSP".
AOFO: Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP) snapshot settings used: Quiet Time: 5 seconds. Time Out: 2000 seconds.
Network control connection is established between
Network data connection is established between   

Set Information - \\\D
Backup Set Information
Family Name: "Media created 10/20/2008 7:37:27 AM"
Backup of "\\\D: "
Backup set #1 on storage media #1
Backup set description: "Full"
Backup Method: Full - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit


Backup started on 10/20/2008 at 7:44:23 AM.
Backup completed on 10/20/2008 at 7:44:26 AM.

Backup Set Summary
Backed up 0 files in 7 directories.
Processed 5,064 bytes in  3 seconds.
Throughput rate: 0.097 MB/min
Compression Type: Software
Software compression ratio: 1:1


This backup set may not contain any data.


Level 3

Here are a few things you may want to check, or may help you figure out why:


1) Does your backup exec account have access to those folders (Permissions correct)?

2) Are there files in the root folders you are backing up, or just the subdir?

3) Are the files opened? (Under computer management, you can check opened files)  Perhaps the open file option isn't working

4) What media set/device are you backing up to?  Maybe those are setup correctly, and it can't back up to the media because none is available?

5) What happens if you create an individual job, and test one of the folders that doesn't back up?  What if you modify the location to hit a folder that does back up? 

Level 3
Forgot to mention, open the job properties and do a "test" to see if that gives you an error

Level 2

Thanks for the suggestions so far.



I have Deleted all the jobs and started over, I have rebooted all the servers involved, I have recreated the selection lists and run tests and I still have the same results. 


Backup jobs that complete successfully but only back up folders not the contents of the folders


The test jobs that I have run show that they will also only back up the folders. 



Anyone have any more thoughts on this one?



Level 2

Here are a few things you may want to check, or may help you figure out why:


1) Does your backup exec account have access to those folders (Permissions correct)?   We do have permissions set correctly

2) Are there files in the root folders you are backing up, or just the subdir?  Just the sub folder

3) Are the files opened? (Under computer management, you can check opened files)  Perhaps the open file option isn't working.   Good thought...I'll look in to this more

4) What media set/device are you backing up to?  Maybe those are setup correctly, and it can't back up to the media because none is available?   I was using the same media set as all my other backups.  I have now created it's own.  Still no luck

5) What happens if you create an individual job, and test one of the folders that doesn't back up?  What if you modify the location to hit a folder that does back up?