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Backup Windows XP mit SQL Express

Level 4
Partner Accredited

Hallo Forum,


ich führe ein Backup mit BE2010 und einem SQL Agent per Richtlinie auf einem Target-System aus, wo Windows XP SP3 läuft.

Mich vewirrt etwas, das der Backupjob als Erfolgreich abgeschlossen wird, beim Klick auf die Auftragsprotokoll sieht man jedoch die Fehlermeldung:

V-79-57344-34110 - Hinweis: Von Ressource "Servername.Domäne\SQLEXPRESS" kann kein Snapshot erstellt werden. Es wird versucht, das Backup direkt vom Quelldatenträger durchzuführen.


Ich habe bereits an der Openfile Option geschraubt und von Auto auf Microsoft VSS Softwareprovider umgeschaltet. Dann kommt allerdings, das auf diesem OS dieser Provider nicht unterstützt wird.


Ist das Normal, das diese Konstellation nicht mit Advanced Open File Option gesichert werden kann?

Hat jemand noch eine schlaue Idee?

Ich habe vor der Sicherung bereits geprüft das die Dienste Microsoft VSS Provider und VolumeShadowCopyProvider auf Manuell stehen.



   VIP    Certified

You should run your SQL backup job seperately from your file backup job.  When you backup SQL, you should turn off AOFO.

Level 6

OFO and AOFO can be used for backing up database type files that Backup Exec does not offer an agent for.Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Share Point, Microsoft SQL, Lotus Domino, and Oracle all have database agents. These applications do not require the use of OFO or AOFO to back up their data, nor is it recommended. Microsoft Word and Excel documents will not benefit from OFO and AOFO unless the document is being saved at the point in time when it is being backed up. When open, these type of files are temporarily locked and backed up on the fly and do not prevent users from accessing the file.

Jet Engine Database files, such as Microsoft Access databases, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) databases, and Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) databases, will benefit from OFO and AOFO. Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders (PST) files will benefit from OFO and AOFO should an Outlook client be left open on the user's desktop. Other database types that Backup Exec does not provide a database agent for may benefit from OFO and AOFO.

Sometimes, the file types mentioned above are found on servers where Backup Exec database agents are in use, and therefore, OFO or AOFO is required to be on those servers. Be sure to clear, from all backup jobs, the data locations for the applications that use a database agent when configuring a backup job, unless the application's services are stopped during the time of the backup.

Application File type to be cleared
Microsoft Exchange Clear all .edb files
Microsoft SharePoint Clear all .edb files
Microsoft SQL Clear all .mdf and .ldf files
Lotus Domino Clear all .nsf files
Oracle Clear the \data folder that contains the .dbf files

Failure to clear these files can cause data corruption.


   VIP    Certified

@rahulg - if you are going to quote big chunks of info from a document, it is better to direct the user to the document.  Otherwise, you are plagarising.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

@RahulG...if you quote from a document, please take the time to reference it. If it isn't your own words, you're directly copying from someone/something else...which as pkh says, its plagiarism!

Level 4
Partner Accredited

Thanks for yours answers. I'll check and separate the Job File/SQL and report back!

Level 6

Appologies for the same but the content is from the document which is now expried and I was not able to locate any public link for the same . so have to paste that content from the old document.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

...end result is that you are quoting from a document you aren't referencing, and it looks like your work. That's plagiarism.

Either provide the link, or clearly state it is a Symantec document. And if it is expired information, is it wise providing this for the user?


Partner    VIP    Accredited

Nutshell: Did you ever come right here?