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Backup exec 11d small business and remote SQL agent

Level 3
I have BE 11d and will be needing to backup a new SQL server i have purchaced the SQL agent but it will not allow me to install it on the server.  any ideas??  what will i use to backup sql on the second server running windows server 2003 enterprise R2 and SQL 2005 standard

Level 6
Hi Alex.
The SQL agent is just an activation on the media server.  You do this by installing the license key.
Are you having a problem installing the Remote Agent on the remote server? And if so, what are the errors you are getting?

Level 3
When i put the sql agent key in to the sbs client it says that you cannot install this on an SBS server.  do i have to install this on the second server manually

Level 6
That is correct.
Backup Exec for SBS is not designed to backup anything but itself.
To have a Backup Exec Media Server that will protect other servers with Exchange or SQL on them you would need Backup Exec For Windows Systems. 

Level 3
so how do i backup the remote server is this a case of you can't with the small business package

Level 3
the SQL agent is to back up a SQL database on a second server and not on the main server i have purchached the sbs premium version of 11d.  what will i use to backup the second server???

Level 6
My suggestion is to either purchase Backup Exec for Windows Systems to have the ability to backup other servers and applications in your environment.
Or to have SQL run the backups and Backup Exec to backup the flat file bak files that SQL creates.

Level 3
HI patty is there an upgrade path for the sbs product to full product with agents??

Level 3
just found this on the web surely this answers everything
so why can i not install it on the server

Level 6
SBS edition is to only protect the SBS server.
The SQL agent is only for the SQL server on the Media Server and that is included in the main license. 

Level 2
Partner Accredited
I am having the same problem. We are not talking about the SQL agent bundled with BackupExec for SBS Premium.
We bought a separate SQL agent to backup SQL data on a remote server.

If you take a look at the brochure for Backup Exec for SBS (see link below), it is mentioned on page 5 that SQL agents can be purchased to backup remote SQL servers. But the license key for the SQL agent is not accepted when we try to install the agent.

Has a solution been found to this problem?

Level 3
i ended up calling symantecs tech support regarding this.  after a battle because we dident purchace support they said that i can use the sbs SQL lic on the remote server.  i have done this and it is working.  i just wasted the cost of a sql license.  i also got the lic details from the synamtec website.  they should make thinkg alot clearer

Level 2
Partner Accredited
How did you use the SBS SQL license on the remote server? Did you have to install the agent?

I tried to backup SQL data on the remote server, and it seems like the job was successful, but when I checked the folder to restore it, the folder was empty.

Level 3
I had also purchaced the advanced open file agent for the sql server.  i installed the AOF agent on to the sql server and the veritas picked it up.  i have done a test restore and it just worked.  Synamtec do not like to make things easy